

New Member
This is my first post, now I'am in my first HST cycle, very good feelings!

For next cycle I'would like try to do Deadlift and Squat for every training days

What do you think about this? Could be productive?
In general, squats and straight legged deadlifts are okay but squats and regular deadliftys on the same day could be too much. It depends on how often you train, the number of sets, load, etc. I find it better for me to alternate squats and regular deadlifts on different days.
In my first cycle, I did them both during 15s and 10s, but switched to every other day in the 5s.
As O&G pointed out, if you are going to do them both then stick to SLDL's. If not then do what etothepii mentioned and alternate full deads and squats.
I think it would be difficult to do them both effectively. They are both full-body movements and especially hard on the lower back. If you can do them both, you may not be performing either of them as effectively as you should. I had great difficulty doing just dead-lifts every workout last cycle. I use a dead-lift bar (you stand inside the bar which is shaped a bit like a hexagon) and stand on a block, so I squat down lower than I can with an olympic bar; I'm sure this had at least some bearing on how it affected me systemically (I was ready for SD for sure!!).  This cycle I decided to alternate between dead-lifts and leg press. Your mileage may vary.....
ive recently begun doing them in the same w/o and it didnt take long to adapt. a few months back this very issue came up and inspired me to give it a try in my own w/o.
a few things i think are important to keep in mind.
i do squats or leg press and sldl to begin my w/o and save the deads for last. it can be intimidating having a tough exer. like dl waiting for you at the end but its never been as bad when i actually get to it.
ive been lifing for many yrs. and spent many of them doing various HIT or other 1-2 body part a day programs. some of those days involved 40-60 work reps per body part. my typical HST w/o, while taxing, some days feels quite easy compared to those old "burn down the village" days. my point being that over the yrs these "misguided" w/o programs did at least prepare me mentally and physically (espec. lower back) for some serious work.
if you are new to lifting or just new to the combo just dont try and do too much too soon. it seems most do legs in the beginning and if youve got chins or another back exer. in your prog. than try some deads at the end keeping the wgt. light and form solid. if after a few weeks/1 cycle you feel too spent or that it isnt for you then go back to alternating. im pretty sure most people wont take long before light wgt/good form slowly becomes moderate wgt/good form etc. etc and before long youve adapted to squat and DL in the same w/o.

again, this is not for everyone. just a few months ago i was questioning whether it would be too much which got me to re-evaluate my approach. it is hard but not that hard, it just takes time and some getting used to.

good luck

sorry 1 other thing i feel i should mention.
i w/o 3x a week (m.w.f.) with the weekends off. many here do am/pm splits or 4-6 w/o a week prog. squat/DL combo can be tough for those folks for this reason:

squat and DL are the king of muscle building exer. because they are super combination movements (more that just 2-3 muscl. groups involved) and fatigue the entire body when using good wgt. this is great for stimulating the body to grow but it can also can completely take the wind out of your sails if your w/o are coming every day (regardless of body parts worked) or 2x a day. i cant say for certain b/c my sched. limits me to 3x a week but i would guess for those with more freq. w/o it would be tougher.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">They are both full-body movements and especially hard on the lower back. If you can do them both, you may not be performing either of them as effectively as you should.</div>

Maybe I am fine with them because I am 21 years old. I usually start out with some running, warmups, SLDL, warmups, Squats, then go into the rest of my routine.
I pretty much play it similar to bluejacket who posted earlier. I'll do either squats or dl first (after warm up) and do the other at the end if I can. I'll try and alternate on which I do first.
I generally don't worry about it too much if I don't feel like doing the 2nd exercise.
Even if one does not feel fatigued, I think when you squat and deadlift in the same workout the latter one is going to suffer, you just aren't going to have the strength and energy left after doing properly performed (full ROM olympic) heavy squats. You may be able to do it with the first 1-2 workouts as they are sub-max, but the latter w/o's you should see diminished strength.

It's the same with other exercises. Do max or near max deadlifts and see what happens to your cleans.
It's possible, albeit if you control your volume like with the sets, load etc Old and Grey mentioned.

I'm currently doing both 6x a week for my cutting cycle. It didn't take long to adapt, but i'm clustering 10 reps per workout (i'm probably in the 70% to 80% rang of my rpm).

Like other said, it is hard to do them effectively one after the other. I usually do my deadlift first, then my squat, but my squat strength usually suffers (I ended up progressing more weight w/ the deadlift than my squat).

Hope that helps.

If you do heavy deadlifts and squats you probably should not do them together.

A good set of deadlifts leaves you really &quot;winded&quot; to say the least, perhaps that is one of the other reasons whyt we recommend short little workouts with big exercises.

That way you can REALLY HIT THEM HEAVY!
During 15s and 10s I think doing the deads and squats is fine - still hard though. During 5s, esp towards the end, I find that if I do squats and deads during the same workout I just don't have the energy to really go for it once I'm done squatting. I really feel that you have to mind your lower back too. I like my lowerback to be pretty fresh when I'm really pushing my deads.

Example: last cycle at the end of 5s, after my squats, I tried 365 for deads but could hardly budge it. Then the next session I just went straight to deads and pulled 375 for 5! No way I could have done that if I had squatted first.

This cycle I am doing squats and SLDL for my A workout and just Deads for my B workout (plus the other stuff , of course