Squat vs. Front Squat

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Normal Squats ( Bar on the Traps) are getting heavy in the 5´s.
My lower back is starting to feel its age, a little.
I don´t want to risk any injury as it would destroy my biking season.
I am thinking of dropping the weight and switching to Front Squats.
I can half the weight and still get the same feeling in the legs and gluts.
Is the Front just better overall for squats? Looking in the mirror as I do the squat, I can see that my form is perfect.

Its probably not as good for the ass as a heavier load 'back squat' but staying injury-free so you can do the things you enjoy is number 1 and if you feel it in the legs then go for it!

ps nice form

I brace my back when doing squats (back) and it feels ok, maximum I tried was 130 Kg. - I am only 70 Kg.

Sure my spine felt it a bit, but I felt safe enough to carry on, this was on my last workout so I did not boither too much.

On teh other hand front squats should be pretty effective for the quads, just darn unconfortable IMO and the weight cannot be the same so...the hypertrophy capabilities will also be limited I guess.

Third option, go for the leg press, and do some real kick ass sets, should work just fine.

you can always use a belt if your back is yielding with 5's......
also you can do hack squat... or something that I have seen work very well and is a compound exercise all the way but for some reason I have never seen it listed in the top of favourite exercises as an alternative for squats..... you will laugh, but it is a killer and your legs and gluteus will wind up burning up like charcoal.

it is the following:
1) take 2 steps... 2 gym steps and put them one of top of the other
2) take 2 heavy dumbells
3) start doing steps.... 25 reps one side, 25 reps the other side..... believe me, you will be breathing like a horse in the final stretch of a race and your legs will implore you for mercy
Hi Latinblast,

I will try those hacksaquats tomorrow and let you know.

hi Pierre,
actually hacksquat is different... the one I described is step lunges... try it and let us know how you felt... remember to use heavy weight, better you get straps otherwise your grip may not take the weight.... it is safe for your lower back becasue your center of gravity with those DB's will be close to your lower back.


I have tried lunges just for fun some time during the 10's and I think I am going to include them in my next cycle, I felt an exquisite DOMS even with little weight (my child on my back - about 25 Kgs or so)!
hi again fausto.... hey, one quesiton, are you from portugal ??
yes, you are right.... it is good to do them during a couple of workouts in your cycle..... try to do them using steps... it is harder than the ones on the floor

Have you tried using around an inch high block of wood under your heels when back squatting? I don't like to do this but I see a lot of folks doing it. It tends to allow you to take more of an upright stance and therefore throw more of the weight onto your quads and less on your spinal erectors and glutes.

There may be drawbacks to doing this that I am not aware of (like more knee stress or something similar) but it does seem quite a natural movement. I am sure others here will chip in if this is a bad thing to do. Front squats always make me feel like I'm being choked but that's probably because I have never persevered with them!

The other thing you could do with your squats is to do more reps for each micro cycle. So start with 20 and finish with 10s or 8s. That'll keep the weight lighter but still give you a blast. It might be more appropriate, in your case, to help with your cyling.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Have you tried using around an inch high block of wood under your heels when back squatting?</div>

I won't back squat any other way! Don't see how one can squat without it!


<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">hi again fausto.... hey, one quesiton, are you from portugal ??</div>

Soy Portugues si senor! Just born there mate! Lived in Mozambique till 17 then came to DSouth Africa!
I tried hack squatting a bit last cycle (on iso day) just to get a feel for it, but I found I just couldn't! I think certain body types are more adept at hack squatting, as in the same people who are optimally built for the deadlift (long arms).

I squat in OL shoes and I can't really imagine squatting with flat soles unless I really adjusted my technique and stance! OL shoes are great.
fausto..... first latin I see here....south africa, at the gym there is a guy from there, huge like a house, he competes in bodybuilding.... I am from south america, born in Venezuela, nowdays my home is in Malaga, spain.....but actually I am working now in Dubai/Abu Dhabi and will leave in 2 months to other country.... my first question always is : is there a hard core gym over there??, he he he

Just couldn't be bothered since i work at home, but yeah there are some real hard core guys round here!

Mine is pretty hard core itself! Most yougster I train don't stay long enough, the latest one is a on-off type of guy!
This is getting predicable.

How about deadlifts? I started doing front squats last month and they should help. The weight will be lighter and like someone mentioned, the hypertrophy may be less because of the load. They are essential if you're interested in doing snatches and clean and jerks. Just make sure you bottom out.

I'd stay away from machines/leg press and hack squats.