Squats and deads. Confused.


New Member
My schedule only allows 3 training sessions/week. I train M-W-F using the HST protocol. I have read in several places that squatting and deadlifting in the same session is not recommended, but only training 3 sessions/week, if I skip one of these, it means only DLing or squatting once per week.

Any suggestions much appreciated.

P.S. Is there any word on an HST book release date?
Squatting and deadlifting in the same session is definitely doable but your lower back may start to accumulate a lot of fatigue which becomes unpleasant if you want to do anything outside of the gym.

If you only trained twice in a week then one squat session and one dead session is still going to be beneficial. With a more typical 3 x weekly set-up, you could alternate squats and deads so that you squat twice and deadlift once for one week and then squat once and deadlift twice the next. If you are strong for your body weight, it can be a good plan to squat twice and deadlift just once a week (between the two squat sessions). That should allow you to get through a cycle without frying your CNS (particularly at the heavy end of the cycle).
Squatting and deadlifting in the same session is definitely doable but your lower back may start to accumulate a lot of fatigue which becomes unpleasant if you want to do anything outside of the gym.

If you only trained twice in a week then one squat session and one dead session is still going to be beneficial. With a more typical 3 x weekly set-up, you could alternate squats and deads so that you squat twice and deadlift once for one week and then squat once and deadlift twice the next. If you are strong for your body weight, it can be a good plan to squat twice and deadlift just once a week (between the two squat sessions). That should allow you to get through a cycle without frying your CNS (particularly at the heavy end of the cycle).

That sounds like a good compromise. I have pretty good glute hamstring development so I may just squat twice/deadlift once a week and leave it at that. Thanks very much for the input. Just out of curiosity, with the HST method which does not espouse training to failure and the fairly low volume, do you think it's possible to do both each workout? Is there any way to detect CNS exhaustion other than just using your "gut feeling"?

Thanks again.
... do you think it's possible to do both each workout? Is there any way to detect CNS exhaustion other than just using your "gut feeling"?

Yeah, I think you'll find that your strength levels start to drop off and/or you feel less like training. If it gets harder and harder to lift the same load each session then it's probably due to your CNS getting whipped too often.
Too bring up an older post... I'm only on my 2nd workout of the 15's and have done both sqauts and deads on each and it kicked my a@$. 15 deads is no joke. I'm gong to start alternating.
Too bring up an older post... I'm only on my 2nd workout of the 15's and have done both sqauts and deads on each and it kicked my a@$. 15 deads is no joke. I'm gong to start alternating.
Alternatively, (as I've learned from others) you might do well to substitute Romanian Deadlifts for your 15-rep weeks. Then go back to regular Deads for your tens and fives.

I am a great fan of the Deadlift, but 15 Deads make for a hard workout!