SST then HST or HST then SST

It depends. What have you been doing before? What are your current levels of strength? What are your goals? Apart from that it is a continuum, if you do SST then HST what will you do after that? SST again? If so, you are doing both SST then HST and HST then SST :)
That being said, I would HST and then SST. That way you build additional muscle tissue with HST and then you train your body to use this new tissue more efficiently to produce force with SST.
hahahaha :) "If so, you are doing both SST then HST and HST then SST :)" that made me laugh. That is a good theory so speak lol.

Also, I'm doing two HST cycles then one SST cycle then one HST cycle and so on. I just wanted to hear any ideas about it lol.
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Depends on your goals. HST = grow big; SST = get strong. I'd think HST until you are the size you ultimately want to be, then SST to develop strength within your (then) huge self. That's the Lol way!
That's actually what in my opinion makes the most sense, I believe it's the way to go but who knows what other people's opinions are lol.