start HST straight away?


New Member
I am a moderately experienced weightlifter but have been on hiatus for about 8 months. Is there any reason why I shouldn't start straight with HST, or would i tbe better to do 4-6 weeks just to get back into it?

If you've been on break for 8 months, no reason to delay it even longer unless you stopped due to injury or something and for some reason it hasn't healed properly yet. Go ahead with a basic HST routine and it's going to be fine.

Like they said, go right into HST. Don't do any weight lifting beforehand. Just use some old maxes from a while back or estimate your maxes and adjust them during the cycle. Since you haven't lifted for 8 months, you want to take advantage of your deconditioned state and try to make some serious gains. Lifting a heavier weight, like if you tested your maxes, will effect your conditioning... so I wouldn't do it. Just estimate or whatever and head right in. Let us know how it goes too.