Started hst again..

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so i started hst about 2 weeks ago after about a 1 year no workout whatsoever period. that 1 year off snowballed from a sd that got prolonged due to a move and then sickness... and i just ended up in a rut.
on my prior hst routine i was doing more workouts that i really needed and thanks to the help of some of you guys here on the forums helped me whittle that down to just some basic core moves of death. I did about 4 cycles starting at 155ish lbs and ending at about 180ish. I gained minor amounts of fat, and filled out my 5'10'',5'11' frame well.
after that break i dropped back down to 174 and looked flat in my opinion, even though people still said i looked pretty fit.

Well, after 2 weeks of my 15's (last workout going to be in about 1 hour =D) i have gone from 174 to 180 lbs... which seems semi rediculous but i think i look a lot more full and can see more of my abs than before...

my workout now consists of an a/b workout doing them on alternating days, working out 3 times a week

a. DB bench, arnold press, wide grip pullups, squats, normal pullups (more bicep), dips (tris)

b. Dips (chest), arnold press, BB Rows, Deads, pullups (bicep), dips(tris)

My goal is to get as close to 190 as possible on this cycle then going on a cutting cycle next in hopes of lookin ripped for some summer action

I have no clue what my bf% is now.

so that is just my update...

I hope i keep making gains like i have been so far!

p.s.~ totentanz... hit me up on aim if u get a chance..

happy hsting everyone
Try to get your body fat measured so you can follow the progress. If you're just looking at the weight you don't know where the gains are coming from and how to adjust the diet or aerobic exercise.
The BF and weight data will show you which direction to take on a path to a ripped 190 lbs body.
thanks guy.. do any of you know where i can find a bf% calculator? I used to have a pair of calipers but i dont think that they worked so well.....

Accu-measure calipers are very inexpensive (around $10-15) and accurate. You should be able to find it in any bigger health food store or online easily. The BF is measured with 1.1 % error margin from only one site on your body.
Calipers in general have been shown to be the most accurate instruments for BF measurements after undewater tests.
I've read not to trust other BF measurement devices too much since the error margin can be fairly large.
...or if you want an easier and not so precise way
(ilalin @ Feb. 01 2007,16:11)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Accu-measure calipers are very inexpensive (around $10-15) and accurate. You should be able to find it in any bigger health food store or online easily. The BF is measured with 1.1 % error margin from only one site on your body.
Calipers in general have been shown to be the most accurate instruments for BF measurements after undewater tests.
I've read not to trust other BF measurement devices too much since the error margin can be fairly large.
...or if you want an easier and not so precise way</div>
Body Fat Estimator
Estimate #1 based on height and weight
Your &quot;Ponderal Index&quot; is 12.01 which gives an estimated body fat of 33.6% (78.5 pounds of fat)

Estimate #2 based on waist size and weight
Estimated body fat of 10.0% (23.5 pounds of fat)

That is way off the 13-15% bodyfat that I am right now.

As far as the Accu-measure calipers are concerned, I have used them and bought a pair of Ebay for $4.
im pretty sure i have a caliper somewhere.. gotta scrounge for it.. but im sure i dont have that booklet that came with it to tell you what your measure means in bodyfatness...
ill see if i can find that caliper.... and maybe one of you has the same kind so i can give you my measurments...
Factor 1: (Total body weight x 1.082) + 94.42
Factor 2: Waist measurement x 4.15
Lean Body Mass: Factor 1 - Factor 2
Body Fat Weight: Total bodyweight - Lean Body Mass
Body Fat Percentage: (Body Fat Weight x 100) / total-bodyweight

This should help, try it and see, not too inaccurate.
thanx alot guys... so according to that caliper and totentaz' website i was about 15%..
aka the fattest i have ever been
and according to fausto i was 18%...

i never knew i was such a fatty

so for sure this is going to be my last bulk for a while i guess... i gotta get down to like 10% before ripness occurs

thanks so much for the info thus far guys...
Are we talking about belt size or across the navel gut size? Huge difference there.

I'm having trouble believing I'm 20% fat.
i went navel and got 18%..

started 10's yesterday by the way... felt awsome..

if any of you guys have any recipies for some good meals with a good 40.30.30 ratio or anything dont hesitate to let me know.. or i can post that in the nutrition section if that would be better.