Started HST prgram today


New Member
So I started the HST program today and I can say, it was the best workout I have had since I started exercising in August. Nothing feels better than having a game plan before you hit the weights. Every week it was just whatever for me. My only rule was not to hit the same muscle within 48 hours but that was it. No structure. I'd say today was a success because I never had my back up against the wall where I had to push to failure on any exercise which I was happy about. Still had a bit of gas in the tank.

I will update my progress after I complete my first cycle when on the deload. It will be a bit of a challenge for me because I'm finding it hard to eat enough calories in a day. I would go on a weight gainer like Serious Mass, but I can't justify buying it here. A 6lb container sells for $159.99!!!!!!!!!!! In the US, you can buy a 12lb bag which is double that for about $35-$40!! It's just rediculous here so I'm trying to pack in the food, but doing it "clean". I don't want to come out with a huge tummy afterwards so trying to eat really good.

I have a quick question while I'm here. If on any exercise I feel like I am reaching the point of failure to complete the set, go for it or should I stop about 2 reps or so shy of failure? :)
Stop shy of failure, take a very short break - about 5 deep breaths and try to get the final reps in. Repeat the short break if necessary.
I'm not sure what your definition is on eating "clean" or eating really good. But basically, eating good means hitting your target macros (in terms of body composition, not health). It's just as possible to get fat or get a belly by eating nothing but vegetables and lean meat as it is to get thin by eating McDonalds.
Eating clean for me means hitting my target macros like you suggested, but not eating crap to get there. I ate junk food all my life and it wasn't until about September past that I cut out all fast foods etc and sodas and started eating healthy. In addition to that, I'm not going to eat too far above maintenance. :)