starting 10's today


New Member
just finshed first 2 weeks of HST (15's) and gained pretty well so far. at least 3kgs of mixture fo fat and muscle. however, one question.....

on starting the 10's weeks for example is it ok for me to be reducing weight to accomodate the calculator workings....?

for example, squat. my rep max for 15's was 90kg, and for 10's it was 100kg.

i had intended to  increase weight up to the 100kg for my 10's weeks by 5kg each session? is this too much. if i do this then i lift 2 x 10 @ 75kg (75%max) today, whereas my last sesison of 15's last week i lifted 2 x 15 @ 90kg!!!??

is this right? if so i wont be lifitng 90kg again until 4 sessions time?

am i doing this right?
My understanding is that zig-zagging(the repeating of weights) is ok to a point, but you should try to limit it to two-three workouts at most-which would mean that starting the second week of the 10s you should be beyond your 15RM.

Then again, perhaps my understanding of it is off, and one of the vets could explain it better.
Try using 80% of your rep max, let the numbers fall where they may, if they zig zag, they zig zag.