Starting 10s & Zig-Zagging


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About to start 10s:

As I will not be reaching the weights I used at the end of the 15s until the end of the first week (or occasionally the start of the second week!) of 10s, what is the best way to approach this?

I am thinking that I will be doing 2 sets of 10s rather than the single sets I did for 15s, so that's a bit more TUT, right?

Also, should I be doing the first week of 10s at a slower cadence to make the most of them?

Using a lighter weight for fewer reps is going to make me feel like I have wimped out! What about continuing to do 15 reps for the first sets and then doing 10 reps (or perhaps 5?) for the second sets until I have reached the poundages I got to at the end of the 15s?

The other factor that I could take into account is that I definitely got stronger during the 15s. By my last w/o in the 15s, none of the weights seemed like 15 RMs anymore! So, I assume that I would perform better in my 10 & 5 RMs too? If this is the case I could add 5 or 10 lbs to my previous maxes and recalculate the weights for my 10s and 5s mini-cycles?

I'd like to know what others have done? I've read that a fair bit of zig-zagging is fine but thought I'd ask anyway! :)


You read that zig-zagging is fine. That which you read has not changed.

Do not attempt to recalculate your maxes.

Stick to the program.

At the end of the 5s, if your 5RM has been surpassed then work past it AT THAT TIME.

If you start at say:

50kgs on the first workout of 15s

...and finish on 95kgs on the last workout of 5s, it doesn't matter how you got there. So long as it's progression, you're fine.

50, 50, 50, 60, 60, 60, 70, 70, 70, 80, 80, 80, 90, 90, 90, 95, 95, 95


50, 52.5, 55, 57.5, 60, 62.5, 65, 67.5, 70'll be fine either way for hypertrophy.
Thanks Jester! I have been assimilated!

I'll wait with baited breath for the 5s. Always want to run before I can walk. I am like a puppy dog straining against the leash! :)

Apologies for asking dumb @$$ questions.


Not a dumb question, but until you build up your strength range then zigzagging is prob. likely to happen. I had to zig-zag for my first cycle the end of the 15s and start of the 10s are always likely to cross over or be very close to it

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Apologies for asking dumb @$$ questions.

No such thing, in fact you are on the right track

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I am thinking that I will be doing 2 sets of 10s rather than the single sets I did for 15s, so that's a bit more TUT, right?

Quite right, sir, that would definitely get your TUT up, either 2 x 10 or 1 x 15 + 1 x 5 would be fine, however rather stick to the plan and do choice 1.

Remember that on the 5's you'll get more of the same, so go for 3 x sets, you may want to drop slightly back to 2 into the second week, best is to try to keep 3 x, unless your strength is dropping dramatically in which case drop one set!

Hope this encourages you to keep it up!
lol you could also try this in your 10s lets say for squats your doing this..75,80,85,90,95,100,
try this......90,90,95,95,100,100,
goodluck :D
TUT, work being done and load are all intercalated.

Need less TUT the higher the load....but this is a bigger convo. Just stick with the plan and see what happens I think
Thanks to you all. I will bear all your points in mind.

I'll stick with the plan this cycle, as Jester suggests, and then I'll have a bit of experience to help me decide if I want to change anything on my next cycle. I've always quite liked vanilla anyway! :)

Have just read 'Bryan's Snippets' which has lots of very helpful 'nutshelled' explanations. The more I read about HST via posts and eBooks, the more pennies are dropping and the more respect I have for all those who have contributed and expecially to Bryan for making this all freely available. I will most definitely stick with it!

HST rocks!