starting a cutting cycle soon

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so during my last bulk i went from 176 to 185 i think.. i hit 185 at the last workout of my 10s and just hovered there during the 5s and extended 5's. gaining a pound loosing a pound. i know its because my diet was really bad during those last weeks, sad because i was really seeing gains but for me keeping my diet in check is so dam hard.
anyways now i plan on going on a cutting cycle.

this is my plan

cardio non weights day (probably just jogging)
my last hst routine
calories around 500 or so below mainanence

- can any of you help me figure what my maintenance would be, these calipers i have seem to be garbage.. or i dont know how to work them properly. I would assume maybe 12-15% bf.. but who knows... im not really chunky.

- and the kicker, can you guys help me with my diet, this is where i always mess up. If i can get like a day plan then it will be so much easier for me to stick to it so i know how many cals im gettin and stuff.

my goal is to get as ripped as possible in this cycle so i can start another bulk, ideall final goal.. 190ish around 8% bf
but by the time i get there im sure my goal will go up again.. funny how that goes..
ok im ranting

thnaks guys..
Maintenance calories should be somewhere around 15X your bodyweight. Approximately 12X should get you cutting. As a general guide:

10-12X = cut
13-15X = maintenance
16-20x =bulk

Get 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight and plenty of healthy fats.

As far as your diet, I find it's the easiest to basically eat the same thing everyday except for dinner and weekends. Boring but it does work for me at least. Keep a journal so you know what you are eating.

thanks keystone.. thats a great idea about the same thing for dinner and weekends.. dinner is alllways a problem for me seeing how eating is social event and i always am having dinner with someone not on a diet like mine. its tough
I have me some fish oil also so that should help the fats

i hate diet stuff... and its so important, its so much harder than goin in the gym and doing whatever i have to do there. its an all day event with no breaks
dieting can be tough (gain or lose).
you have to look at it this way. if you dont want to look like everyone else you cant eat and w/o like everyone else. its that simple. this doesnt mean you have to become a BB monk who is single minded in all that you do but it does mean you have to seperate yourself from the mainstream somewhat to achieve you goals.

no need for specific examples as everyones "daily challenges" are different but if making some changes is really a priority then youve gotta make some changes.

good luck
as simple as that sounds bluejacket.. that actually might have just given me that psychological push that i needed to really kick it into gear during this up coming out
any more cutting advice will still be much appreciated
Hopefully I didn't confuse you. I meant that I eat the same thing for breakfast, lunch and late night snack, M-F.

I eat different things for dinner each night and my weekend meals vary also. I just try to keep a running tally on my daily calories on the weekends.

As far as "diet" foods: Eat whatever you want, whenever you want as long as you hit your calorie goals. That's a little simplistic since you will want to hit your protein goals and get enough good fat but I don't like "limiting" myself and telling myself I can't have something. Easier to fail that way in my opinion. For example, I still have a couple drinks a night even though I know it's not optimal. I have switched to vodka and tonics since they are only 70 calories versus about 100 for a light beer. With eating out, you can cut your meal in half when it comes and box it for later. I do that all the time.

As some one posted on here: It all boils down to eating less and moving more.

haha ya i understood.. i just typed it wrong.. hahah im such a dork. thanks again for the response keystone. very much appreciated