Starting back up with HST in 1 month


New Member
Hi everyone. Been awhile since I've been here and I've missed it. Anyway, I'm glad to be back. I've mostly been doing a circuit training rountine, Circuit training
because I wound up gaining weight last year (once I got into my 40's this became an issue. That and little time to do my workout) and wanted to start cutting. That plus the fact that every time I was lifting with free weights I was constantly getting hurt no matter how much I watched my form. My rep scheme was low so I'm thinking that may be the problem. Either way, free weights hurt now so I've been working mostly with machines (Hammerstrength).
So I was hoping to get some advice on whether it's worth doing HST using Hammerstrength machines or not.

My routine would look like this:

(15's and 10's)
Hacksquat (Hammerstrength)
Straightleg dead lift (Hammerstrength)
Incline bench (Hammerstrenth)
T-Bar rows (Hammerstrength)
Lat pulls (cable)
Shoulder press (Hammerstrength)
laterals (cable)
Tricep press (cable)
Bicep curls (cable)

For 5's I would replace hacksquats and sldl's with Quad extensions and hamstring curls to save my knees and lower back from hurting (even doing Romanian Sldl still hurt at high weight).

What does everyone think?
Absolutely it will be ok.

Free weights are great but if you are injured machines are great alternative.

Follow hst just do it with the hammer strength. I would make sure the frequency and proper load is there everywork also...with hammerstrength make sure you are using a slow controlled movement and the isolation of the muscle will be great.

Hey any training is better than no training
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Straightleg dead lift (Hammerstrength)</div>

I'm trying to imagine a machine for doing SLDL - any pics?
I hear hammerstrength machines are pretty good.

You can see results from machines, just like you can with free weights. Remember - the important thing is to hit the entire body and to progressively increase the load over time. Keep doing that and you'll be fine.
Chuck: If that's you in your avatar, the circuit training worked really well. Your buns are looking great! Not bad for a 40 year old!

I've never used Hammerstrength machines but I've seen the Jay Cutler vid and they look to be well designed. All the best.
Lol - your humour is 10/10

I also tink machines are a great alternative in fact that is where you can really apply Dan's max-stimulation and ensure that there are very minmal if any issues.

Yep, the range looks cool, although I could not the see the SLDL machine.
Yes, that's me.
In my more manly days.

Thanks everyone. I'm looking forward to getting back some mass after all this time. I'm also going to watch my caloric intake much closer this time. Last year was the pits. Worst I've ever felt about my build. But I've happily dropped about 40 lbs of fat (mostly) while maintaining a good amount of muscle. I was at around 23% BF and am now down to 15% (roughly). So i'm happy, but I would love to keep it like this and add more muscle. So back to HST I go.

Oh, I'll try to find a Hammer Strength deadlift machine pic but so far I couldn't find any. Pretty nice machine. 2 handles on each side (top/ bottom), plates go on side, platform on bottom. Works well. I may have to switch Dips with the Hammer Strength decline press though. Better for my shoudlers and my elbows to be honest.

Anyway, thanks again and i'm glad to be back. This time I'm going to take pics of progression and record my progress.
I can't say enough about counting calories, definitely count calories. You'll save yourself a lot of time. I hate cutting.