Starting first cycle, throwing up some numbers


New Member
Yo, spent last week finding rough maxes, this week is SD (booooringgggg), then I am beginning on the 16th.

(in lbs)
Dips... +30
OHP... 95
Lat Pulldown... 110
Squat... 190
Hammer Strength Row... 145
Romanian DL... 195
BB Curl... 60

Dips... +60
OHP... 120
Lat Pulldown... 140
Squat... 225
Hammer Strength Row... 180
Romanian DL... 245
BB Curl... 80

Dips... +90
OHP... 145
Chins... +30
Squat... 245
Hammer Strength Row... 230
Romanian DL... 315

Probably not doing anything fancy with the routine, just the standard 2 weeks of each, 2 sets the first week of each rep range, and 2 sets for 5s and negatives. Basic goal is to lose some fat while at least retaining muscle. I might be able to do more on the chins, but I was pretty fanatical about keeping perfect form on all my stuff. I think I could start the 5s with +5 strapped on and work up from there, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Overall I'm pretty excited, hopefully with a structured training program like this I'll be more inclined to keep the food under control too. I'd like to get my waist down from 37-37.5" to under 35", which is do-able, if I don't #### up too much.
I'm aiming for less than maintnence. I'll be cutting calories pretty hard this week, and carbs to drop water weight, because I have to weigh in after my PT test on Thursday and check bodyfat and all that, and I can't fail it. After that, I'll increase calories to roughly 2000 or so for the next few weeks. Concentrating on getting enough protein, and keeping the calories low. It would be great to gain a bit of muscle while losing fat, which is why I'm staying closer to maintnence.

I forgot to mention I'll be doing drop sets during the 5s.