Starting HST correctly


New Member
woo! my first post..

hey guys, i was really excited to start my first HST cycle but I think I've already screwed up.

I stopped my previous non-HST training on friday and on monday I found my RMs. I waited a week (SD) and started HST on monday (today) and then it hit me that I was supposed to SD for 9 days not 7.

I did my first 15s workout, it was real easy so I dont think it could've conditioned me much. So perhaps I should not train on wednesday and instead start over on thursday to complete the deconditioning. Any thoughts?
I would not worry about that. There doesn't seem to be a consensus on the exact duration of the SD period. Since it is your first HST workout maybe you should keep on at it. When this cycle is over try a longer SD and see it you perceive any benefit.
It is also dependent on the intensity of your last workout although there is no intensity-to-sd-duration formula.
welcome to the forum.

personally i dont think a couple of days is goin to make a difference, the first time i sd'd was for 12 days,but in the end youve made a start at something new so id continue.

although working in a submaximal fashion will be easyier it should not be easy.

the thing is hst can be hard to get exactly right the first time, but you will improve in the forth coming cycles. so dont worry if things dont go exactly to plan. good luck.
thanks for your responses. I didn't know that people respond so quickly on forums lol.

maybe I found it too easy because my deconditioning was insufficiant. But I'll start anyway because indeed 2 days seems insignificant.