Starting HST tomorrow. Advise?


New Member
Hey guys hows it going.
I am a beginner bodybuilder and stumbled across HST and it seems really good.

I am looking at starting my first HST cycle tomorrow.

Now after reading a lot about compound excersies here is what ones i thought would be good for me.


Stiff Leg Deadlift
Bench Press
Bent Over Barbell Row
Military Press
Bench Dip (No access to a DIP bar)
Skullcrushers (I know its ISO but was advised its good with Close grip Bench press and bench dips)
Close Grip Bench
Reverse Calf Raise (Strictly for my Shin development for kickboxing, got told its good)
Standing Calf Raise
Abs (Not sure how you work them with HST do you do them 3 days a week or on off/cardio days ?)
Chin Ups/Pull Ups
Barbell Curls (ISO)

So what would be the best way for me to put that into the M W F workout.

Also with abs not sure how you work them with HST do you do them 3 days a week or on off/cardio days ?

Anything i should add or take out.
Its going good.


Straight legged deadlift
Military press
close grip underarm pull ups
isos (optional)
shin exercise (optional)
abs (opt)


Mil press
wide grip pullups/pulldown
isos (opt)
abs (opt)
shin exercise (opt)

Personally I wouldnt do isos or ab work, feeling that the compounds would hit the arms sufficiently and heavy deads, squats, bent over rows, military press and bench will result in greater core strength than ab exercises.

I agree with Style; you don't need all those iso's--I wish i had listened to the person who told me I didn't need all the iso's when i started my HST cycle. It took me until the middle of 5's weeks to realize how uneccesary they are when you are able to access equipment to do the compounds. Deadlifts and squats, as someone advised me, hit the calves well enough that you don't need any calve iso's. I stubbornly started with them, but I dropped them half-way into the 5's weeks because I found that they only waste time during workouts. I'm just telling you this now in hopes that you don't make the same mistake as I made.

Do you have any adjacent or parallel counters around your kitchen or anywhere else in your house? That's what I used to do my dips. I did incline bench press, and I realized, as advised by a lot of other board members, that it is complimented well by weighted dips.

Other than that, I pretty much agree with Style's suggestion.
one thing with that switching between deadlifts and squats will that hinder my results compared to doing squats 3 days a week ?
Also should i be doing Lunges for leg work ?
Alternating squats and deads should not hinder results. If you have to add another leg movement, it shouldn't be lunges. Since your kickboxing, do full squat cleans.
Hey guys today i done the following:

Bench Press
Bent Over Barbell Row
Military Press Seated (Damn hard on the shoulders)
Close Grip Bench
Abs - Crunches and Reverse Crunches
Barbell Curls (ISO)

Stiff Leg Deadlift (Not sure if i should be adding this in ?)
Chin Ups/Pull Ups (No pull up bar)

Now just a few quick questions

1 - If my 2 rep max is around 90 pounds, would 22 pound be around my 15rep thats what i worked it out to be.

2 - Also is this right if my 15 rep is 22 pound then my first session i would only be lifting 5.5 pounds as thats what i lifted (i know its light but gotta start somewhere)

3 - Is it okay if i progress through the session with the same weight i use and at the end of the 1st 8 week cycle go from there ?

4 - Should i be adding stiff leg deads and taking out deads as i dont wanto alternate each session.


Being such a newbie, I'd recommend you don't work out RM's from others, do it in real life to see what you are actually capable of, you will rob yourself of tremendous gains if you don't!

"Guesstimating" RM's is for people who have been around the gym for a while and have lifted in a variety of different RM's before.

Although there is a general trend to go for 5 to 10 pound increases depending on the lifts I prefer to use 5% and 10% you can never go wrong by using %'s.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Should i be adding stiff leg deads and taking out deads as i dont wanto alternate each session.</div>

These are 2 different exercises, for a begginer I'd recommend sticking with the deads as they are much more beneficial and you can lift so much more with them.

SLDL's are mainly for the hamstrings whereas the deadlifts are for the whole leg + low to medium back + Traps and Rear delts.

Deadlifts should be alternated by doing them once weekly, with squats 2x/week, due to excess lower back strain, specially when the load starts getting heavier! You're welcome to do them together each time, but you'll soon see the wisdom in separating them

Here's what I propose:


Straight legged deadlift
Slight incline Bench
Military press
close grip underarm pull ups


slight decline Bench
Bent over B/B Rows
Mil press

Stick to these lifts for now until you can lift 2x body weight for squats and deads, 1 1/2 x for bench, body weight for military press (standing).

Then start introducing iso's from the 5's only as a add on in a superset format.

That's my personal opinion!
Hey thanks for your info.
Now with me only lifting 11 pounds in my first workout and my 15 rep is 22 pounds, does that mean by the end of the 8 week cycle i still will only be lifting small amounts ??
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Now with me only lifting 11 pounds in my first workout and my 15 rep is 22 pounds, does that mean by the end of the 8 week cycle i still will only be lifting small amounts ?? </div>

Doubt it! Most likely by the time you get to the 15 RM you are a lot stronger than when you started off, most of us have found this to be the case!

At the end of the 8 week cycle you could be lifting close to your 3 or 2 RM for 5 reps if you are doing things porperly. However I am being very non-specific here, what lifts are we talking about?
Tip: Do your shoulder presses standing up. You can then do push presses for post 5s and continue to increment. This has woked well for me. (Thanks Liege
Here's something you should ponder on:

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Training to Failure
There is no HIT-style failure training in HST. After lifting to momentary muscular failure, the muscles need at least seven days rest before strength levels recover.

Doing this with the frequency that HST requires would easily
lead directly to burnout, overtraining, and possibly injury.
HST-style failure generally is defined as lifting with superb form until your form begins to deteriorate and/or you have 1 or 2 repetitions left in the tank.

You will train to HST-style failure on your 15RM, 10RM, and 5RM
workout days. However, many experience strength increases throughout their HST cycles. Indeed, if your strength increases, you’ll easily avoid failure on your RM days, too!</div>

Just someone else's view on the same subject. in this case Charles Ridgeley in HST Minor principles.

By the way here's The book itself
Hey guys done my second workout today, felt great.
The pain in the shoulder is gone now strangely enough.
I have posted up my workout for you guys to see.
(Sorry guys forgot to put it into pounds for you, its in Kg's and also all of the RM's are what i could and could not lift, i didnt use a calculator to guess them.)

My HST Workout

Let me know if that is all correct.
(Also where it says negatives thats my 2RM maximum, and where it says -2.5 etc just ignore that)

A few questions tho

1 - With the increments should they stay on 2.5kg (5ish pounds) for this whole cycle or should i change to 5kg (11 pounds) ? How do you work that out

2 - With Sets, i got told 1-15 | 2-10| 3-5 | 3-2 is good, is this okay or should it be 2,2,2 i can change it only 2 days into it.

3 - Those excersises seem ok ? (Theres no pullups/chinups as i dont have a pullup bar)

4 - Anything you would change, wish to comment on, all the help i can get would be great.

5 - And last but not least in what order should i be doing my excersises ie- bench press close grip Bent Over BB Row etc.

Thanks so much guys , your really putting me on the fast track here, Cheers
Looks fine to me, except the weights, but if you say that is what you are pushing then so be it! I assume those are in Kgs?

1 - yes

2 - 1-15/2-10/3-5 is best for now!

3 - Yes, purchase a pull up bar whenever you can!

4 - Leave as is, just get thorugh it and follow it!

5 - Deadlifts/Squats/Bench/Rows/Bi's/Tris