Starting HST Wednesday


New Member
I have a few questions

1) should I train my forearms

2) is 50 pounds in a year realistic if you have good genetics?
1) should I train my forearms
Not really necessarily, unless you are going for that look or you think you are particularly weak in that area. Anecdotally, some have mentioned frequent use of "grippers" do the job. Also, the more tried-and-true method seems to be employing hammer curls instead of regular bicep curls.

Honestly, unless you are competing in bodybuilding tournamets, sticking to heavy core compound exercises will take care of your overall muscle development.

2) is 50 pounds in a year realistic if you have good genetics?
With proper diet and training, that is realistic. The goal is to gain about 1 pound per week (a controlled bulk). If you bulk the entire year and hold off the cutting cycle until next year, that is 52 weeks. At 1 pound per week, 50 pounds is perfectly doable.

Of course, that is not all muscle. A lot of that will be fat, dependent on your partitioning ratio which is genetics. But you won't go overboard with bodyfat as long as it is a controlled bulk (hence 1 pound per week). At the end of the year, you will lool like a scary bouncer (if not already, of course)
Your diet decides if your "cutting" or "bulking". Not only is it possibly, but you SHOULD do strength training.