starting out, have some questions


New Member
hi guys, so i am going to start out on hst , i am wondering if is it a must to record 15,10,5 rep max? can i just go with 10 and 5 rep maxs only? because i just went to the gym and tried to record my 15 reps when i reached the 10 reps for deadlifts/squats i am sure i could go further but i feel like i've run a marathon;stamina is weak. so i just recorded what i done with 10 reps and lowered them on paper.
so these are what i did and recorded:

  • deadlift - 40lbs
  • 25lbs - dumbell bench press
  • squat- 20lbs
  • military press - 31lbs
  • barbell bent over row - 45lbs
btw are these exercise compound enough?read that hst would focus on compound exercises usually when i workout i'd pick some specific bodyparts to work on

and a little info about myself, im 54kg , 172cm, have been gyming for some time usually doing specific body parts only, never did cardio cause im worried i would slim down.
my lifts are really low compared to some of the journals ive read, and increments of 5lbs will be hard to do so how can i go about doing it?
are you sure you've got those weights correct,have you counted the bar,thats 44lbs on its own.
lotus - if 5-pound increments aren't going to be possible for straight sets, consider clustering. Meaning this:

Say week 1 you deadlift 85 pounds for 10 straight reps. The next workout that you do deadlifts, you increment the load to 90 pounds but can only do 8 reps. Give yourself a couple seconds then get back in position and try to get those 2 reps. The trick is to get all 10 reps before you leave the lift. It's a great technique to employ when you are just getting going.

I hear you that your stamina is weak, but you may be amazed if you push yourself a bit to try and do the 15's. Depending on your age and health, this may be much easier than you think that it is.
thanks for the reply, im currently 19 , so clustering just means when im doing 15 reps and during 10 reps or so when im out of breath i take a quick rest and force myself to complete the remaining 5 reps?