Starting routine, critique my setup


New Member
I have been doing some basic 3x5 strength training, So I know the importance of nutrition, etc. etc. Also, keeping it simple! I made tremendous gains, but also plataeud for a long ass time, and decided I needed some changes. Please critique my workout:

Bench/Dips 2x15 2x10 3x5 (decided to give some volume in the 5's, since i noticed I respond most to 5 rep workouts)

Squat/SLDL 2x15 2x10 3x5

standup military press (Push press?)/Front raises (not sure what to alternate with the push press, any recommendations would be helpful!) 2x15 2x10 3x5

Chins/Rows 2x15 2x10 3x5

Abs 2x15 2x10 3x5

Bis/Tris (Alternated days like bench/dips, so I would do bis twice a week one week, and once the next.) 2x15 2x10 3x5 (not sure what to do with my iso work)

Any recommendations/changes?

Also, for the workout, you need to build up to your maxes correct? like for example: my 5rep max for squatting is 310 but anyway, so on my 5's it would be like...

Day 1 of 5's: 285
2: 290
so my 15's 10's and 5's all start at 75% and work up?

Also, what reocmmendaitons would you give me about isos? Volume etc.
Bench/Dips 2x15 2x10 3x5 (decided to give some volume in the 5's, since i noticed I respond most to 5 rep workouts)

Squat/SLDL 2x15 2x10 3x5

standup military press -no need to alternate, just do this every workout 2x15 2x10 3x5

Chins/Rows 2x15 2x10 3x5

Abs 2x15 2x10 3x5

Bis/Tris (Alternated days like bench/dips, so I would do bis twice a week one week, and once the next.) 2x15 2x10 3x5 (not sure what to do with my iso work)
-chins/dips will stimulate arms, it is up to you, but you can add DB cursl and DB extensions behind the head.

Your volume/exercise selection looks solid. You might want to do something like this:

Workout A (1x15, 2x10, 3x5)
DB curls

Workout B (1x15, 2x10, 3x5)
DB extensions

Or you could do my workout!:

<u>Workout A- 30 reps (2x15/3x10/6x5)

<u>Workout B-30 reps (2x15/3x10/6x5)

Yes, start at 75% for each rep range.
I'm liking your workout, as it is simular to mine just you have some volume modifactions. I am seriously concidering your routine, however, that final 6x5 seems like rape to me... but it may be the key to alot of growth, since I was doing for about...18 weeks no rest a 3x5 workout, and adding some intense volume seems like the key to kickin some hypertrophy- ass (yes im taking my week off right now, doing some cardio as well)

I really understand that benching and rows stimulate biceps enough, and I may even drop my isolations (besides abs) However, my arms are lacking some size (atleast in my opinion...big-o-rexia gets to you =( ) However, on this routine, since unlike my last routine I didn't train with such volume, my arms may have been stimulated, but not really &quot;enough&quot; for significant growth. I say i'll just not do any isolations, and wait until my next cycle to decide.

P.S. 3 minute rest inbetween sets is what im used to, is this ideal? (yes i read the FAQ's)