Starting weight not 50% of 5RM


New Member
Hi all

Ive done up a HST plan after reading nearly every post on this forum. My problem is, that all my first day lifts are 50% of my 5RM except my deadlift. I have been doing SL 5x5 for a while and my 5RM for the deadlift is 144kg. My 15RM is 81.5kg, leaving my 75% starting weight at 54.5kg.

Should I start with 50% of 144 and do something like: 72,72,76.5,76.5,81.5,81.5?
Best is to start no less than 75% of your RM for each exercise, then augment the load each time so that you reach your pre-tested RM on the sixth workout.

Because of the way we program the lifts (starting at your RM for the sixth workout, then counting backwards), we sometimes end up with a starting weight that is way too low. Rather than start at 50%, try starting at 75% and only increase the weight every second workout.

[BTW, for your 15-rep weeks, you may find that one set of deadlifts is plenty!]
I'll show you my programme:


(Bar weighs 8kg not included)

Squat 60-62.5-65-67.5-70-72.5
Bench 51-53.5-55-58-61-65
Dead 65-65-67.5-70-72.5-75
OHP 22.5-25-25-27.5-27.5-30
Row 33.5-36-38.5-41-43.5-45
Calf Raise 75-80-85-90-95-100
Close grip 33.5-36-38.5-41-43.5-45
Last edited:
Squat 65-70-73.5-78.5-82.5-88.5
Bench 58.5-62.5-65-70-73.5-77.5
Dead 63.5-68.5-75-77.5-80-85
OHP 27.5-30-32.5-35-35-37.5
ROW 41-43.5-46-50-52.5-55
CALF RAISE 90-96-102.5-108.5-113.5-120
CLOSE GRIP 41-45-47.5-50-52.5-55
Squat 102.5-111-120
Bench 75-80-85-90-95-100
Dead 110-120-130
OHP 37.5-40-42.5-45-47.5-50
ROW 50-52.5-55-58.5-61-65
Calf Raise 105-111-120-126-132.5-140
Close Grip 48.5-52.5-55-58.5-61-65

Does this look solid enough? Im alternating squats and deads in the 2x5s. Calf raise and close grip BP are left to the end, if m over the hour, I leave them out.

I have lowered my 5RMs by 2.5kg and dead by 7kg as I dont know if I'll manage once I reach the 5s so best to start low.