Starting weights for chins/dips if you can't do 15?


New Member
I can do about 14 dips body weight and then like 9 chin ups just body weight. How can I incorporate this into my HST routine if I can't even do more than my body weight?
you could incoporate a rest pause, which would enable you to get the remainder of the reps,and for your next cycle, aim to achieve more than 9 bodyweight chins so you are progressing
If you have access to a dip station with counterweights and/or a lat station (more common) you can start with those and progress until you reach your body weight switching to the regular version of the exercises and even adding weights as you progress to the end of the 5s and beyond.

If you don’t have one or either of those then just keep trying to add reps until you reach the top of the rep range you are in 15s, 10s, 5s. Once you can do more than the top of the rep range then start adding weight to a belt or in a backpack or even hold a DB between your ankles. Keep adding weight every time you exceed the rep range you are in.
Agreed -- chin-up assist machines are your friends. If you don't have access to one, then make do with lat pulldowns until you can pull down your own body weight. Then go to chins.

Sometimes it takes a while before you can do full body weight chin-ups.

Here's a good article with suggestions on how to work up to full body weight chin-ups:

And here's another:

Don't be ashamed to read posts meant for chicks. Women tend to have less upper body strength than men. Thus they need some extra instruction and training. We can profit from it as well.

It was Mistress Krista who first showed me how to squat and led me to HST.