Still a bit confused????


New Member
Ok so I have worked out my 15,10 and 5 rep max

For example my 10 rep max for bench is 187lb.
Do I start my first workout on this weight or do I build up to it over the six workouts?

Help please
My goal would be to beat that number on the sixth workout, so I add 5-10% and set that as the weight for the last of the six workouts. Then I subtract 5% and round off to the nearest five pounds for each workout leading up to that, so it would look something like this:

155, 160, 165, 175, 185, 195

You don't want to try and start with your max because after an SD period your strength will have dropped somewhat, which is actually a good thing and one of the basic HST principles. SD makes your body respond to lighter weights again, but then you need to keep adding weight every workout until you progress beyond your previous max, which in my case usually occurs by the fifth workout.
I would actually go for that weight (187) at the end of the 10s. You're doing two sets of it, so I don't think it's necessary to up the weight. (I could be totally wrong on that though). How'd you get 187?

So, your bench for the 10s would look like (I'm using 185 for simplicity):

Or you could do the 10s like this (15 lb increments):

I would look to see where your 15 rep max is. If it's around 125 lbs, go with my first listing. If it's around 105 go with the second example.

I generally never test my rep maxes. When I put my workout together, I more or less think "what should I be lifting 10 times." And then build it down from that.
More help please.

I used a calculater on here and came up with a program though I am now at workout 6 of the 15's where I am lifting 80Kg for 15 reps (Bench) and In a couple of days time I will be lifting 65Kg for 10 reps working up to a 10 rep max of 90Kg. This just does not sound right to me or is this normal?
Anyone got other ways to start my 10's basing it on my 15 rep max????