Stopping short - post 5s


New Member
I am on my 7th week of the cycle and I only did 2 workouts in my POST 5s and I took a 5 day break because I had to move apartments. Should I continue with the POST 5s and complete the rest of the workouts? OR cut it short, find my new maxes and SD?

Also, I know HST's main priority is to get you bigger and strength comes second, but I don't seem to be getting any stronger, but have gained some weight. Is this normal?
Post 5s are supposed to be the time when you push for a new 5 rep max. Most people usually exceed their planned 5 rep max during the first mesocycle by a bit, and then push higher during the second mesocycle if they repeat 5s.

I'd continue, or hell, even start the current mesocycle over. Push each submax up a bit and work with that, and you should hit a new rep max by the end.
How much weight do you mean by "some weight?"

If it's not enough weight gain, then that's your problem. HST only works if you eat enough to make it work.

Also, if you haven't tested maxes yet then I would reserve judgement on strength gains until then. Unless you are a newbie, you won't be making huge strength gains within only 6-8 weeks anyway. But the real question is... have you grown or not? If you haven't gained much strength, odds are you didn't gain much size either since a larger cross sectional area for your muscle fibers means more strength.

As for the first question... up to you. If you feel like you can make more progress then go ahead and try. Or just start testing maxes now then take a break. It really just depends on how much energy you still have at this point in your cycle.