Strategic Deconditioning Issue

rama branch

New Member
I've just discovered HST and I'm really into it. I've been reading and I made a routine to start working on it: increasing muscular size as a begginer again sounds so sweet to me.
the only "thing" I have on my mind, is about the strategic deconditioning. I know that is neccesary but I want you to hear to my case, that may be special about this.
last week I spent it on the beach on holidays with friends and I didnt go to the gym for obvious reasons, and this week, I'm going just to calculate my 1RM to schedule the weights to lift in my HST routine, so I think that another two weeks of deconditioning may be a bit excesive considering that I have not done big efforts at gym for two weeks now (+2 weeks of deconditioning, that would be one month witouth heavy lifts at all).
What do you think of my case? should I stop for two weeks after calculating my maxes (I'm finishing that on friday) or should I start my routine next monday?.
Thanks in advance!
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I would skip the SD this time and after your first cycle take a 9 day SD and then do your second cycle and see how that goes. Since you've been off so long, just testing maxes isn't going to condition you suddenly.
thanks for the answer. thats what I thought, but I wanted to ask the experts about it: staying one month out of the gym didnt sound good to me.
if anyone else have any other thought about it it will be welcome.
thanks again!
I prefer and recommend a nine day SD. This equates to taking the weekend off after your last friday workout and then the whole following week, starting again on the next Monday.