Strategic Deconditioning necessary in this situation???


New Member

I've only found out about HST this week. And have finished reading a good bit about it over the last day or two. So first let me state where I am.

I only started back into the gym again this week after a ~3 week break. I started with my standard 4 day split but a combination of a lack of results previously and just a bit of boredom with the same routine caused me to check the net for alternatives. Now I've also for the first time actually calculated my caloric needs and figured out what I was getting each day, and no surprise it wasn't enough for building muscle.

So I've now got my diet in check and am trying to decide between a having a go at GVT (German Volume Training) or HST. The thing is I like what I'm reading about HST and I would prefer to try it, BUT after only recently starting (this week) after a 3 week break I don't want to take another 9-12 days off for Strategic Deconditioning.

Considering I've only had 3 sessions so far after my 3 week break would 9-12 days of deconditioning still be necessary??? (they where heavy weight, low rep sessions in a classic split - although still haven't done my legs, shoulders or triceps)
The point of the SD is to allow you to test your 15, 10 & 5 rep maxes, then SD a week, before you start your cycle.

If you are happy enough that you can fairly accurately estimate those rep maxes, then yes, there is no reason, for you at this time, to SD. Just start it.

Estimating the rep maxs obviously isnt as accurate as actually testing them, but if you have trained at different rep ranges previously, and/or have some experience in weight lifting, then you should be pretty accurate. You may likely find that, as you progress through a cycle, your rep max will have increased by the time you get there anyway.

So estimate them and get started now.

Good luck

Thanks for the reply!!!

I consider myself experienced at the more "conventional" bodybuilding routines etc. But HST is different enough to make me feel like a complete beginner!! With having to figure out the reasoning behind it and all.

I had thought that the first bit of SD was to somehow decondition my muscles so that they'ed then be more "challenged" by the 15rep sessions. But I've possibly mis-understood the concept then... Or maybe it's just that my muscles after only having one session each since my 3 week break are still sufficiently deconditioned. ?

But I'll go ahead estimate my max's and start it next week then as you suggest!!

Also regarding the progressive load approach:

So my head is hardwired to think that "heavy weight low rep = good" and also that you need to be down around the 8 rep range for hypertrophie. So is this simply wrong? (It might well just be a myth that I've come to believe) OR are the first two cycles at 15 and 10 reps doing little more than setting you up for the 5 rep cycles? And if that is the case do you then need to wait till the 5 rep cycle before you can expect any gains?

Sorry for the noob questions - I'm reading about on it too but like I said it's just very different to what I've previously done...