Strengh and Size have been sky rocketing on keto

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Ive been on a low carb diet for 3 weeks now.

and have been working out with HST every other day..

my strength keeps going up while my fat is falling off.

and my size gains are tremendous.

nearly 1 inch on each arm..I am sure a lot of this is newbie gains...but this method of training is un matched to anything Ive ever done
Sounds good...and the fat is falling off you say?

How low are the carbs?

Are you re-feeding regularly?

The inch growth over howe long? 3 weeks? You sure?
The last line says it all... newbie gains. How long have you been doing HST? More importantly, how long have you been lifting? Either way, you are doing something right with the diet. Congrats friz - I will have to check out your log a bit more.
I have kept my carbs around 20-30 a day.

with 2000-2500 cals per day.

more fat than protien.

its been awesome...I have done hst..I did three cycles in a row back in late 2004 and my first cycle then caused tremendous weight loss as well.

unlike normal hst...I started week 1 with 12-15 reps. to near failure...I just lift as much as I can each workout.

week 2: 10 reps
week3: 8 reps
week 4: 6-7 reps
week5-6: 5 reps

last night was the first time I did 3 sets for compound lifts.

I will do 4-5 sets when I reach the 5's

I must say being on a low carb diet hasnt hurt my gains..but its been nearly 2 years since I lifted consistanly...

this weekend will be the first 2 day break I take.
yes I am sure on the arms..I measured from the middle of the bicep around the arm flexed..

im not sure if that is how you are supposed to do it.

the left arm was 7/8th bigger the right was 1 inch.

I didnt measure anywhere else.

but my jeans are 36 waist..on Dec 25th...they were very tight hard to get the button latched.

today they can be pulled off me.

if the newb gains stop...I will probably drop the low carb diet since that may be a sign of the muscle building stopping.