strength during HST cycle


during my cycle I have noticed that my 15 and 10 rm are getting easy should I just increase the weight I am lifting
during my cycle I have noticed that my 15 and 10 rm are getting easy should I just increase the weight I am lifting

Yes (I think), because what would a 15RM be if not really performing a true 15RM by the final workouts in each block? I'd progressively work up to it "instinctively".

Over time it'll probably be easier to work them out though, since strength gains will slow down however gradually

Sorta like working out implied pot odds in poker rather than just the pot odds.
during my cycle I have noticed that my 15 and 10 rm are getting easy should I just increase the weight I am lifting
Personally, I wouldn't worry about it. If you are using HST for muscular hypertrophy then you really don't have to worry about maxing out every two weeks. If you are progressing the loads you will still be providing a novel stimulus each session which will keep PS signalling high. When calculating your next cycle's increments, you might like to add a bit more to your 15RM and 10RM loads for the lifts that you found easy on this cycle. The most important thing is that you keep adding weight to the bar over time and that you do so without compromising or changing your form (ie. maintaining good form).

As far as your current cycle is concerned, when you get to the end of the 5s, continue to increment the loads for a few more sessions until you arrive at your new 5RMs. Then you can do a couple more weeks for post-5s with those new 5RM loads but by dropping to 3s. If your joints are ok, try and get 5 sets of 3 for a total of 15 reps with your new 5RM loads. Next cycle you'll probably be able to manage 2-3 sets of 5 with that same load for your 5RM workout and then you can increment a little more and drop down to 5 sets of 3 again. Works pretty well as long as your joints are happy.
during my cycle I have noticed that my 15 and 10 rm are getting easy should I just increase the weight I am lifting

I'm not sure if you're being clear here. If your RM's are "getting easy", they aren't your RM's any more. Theoretically, your RM at the end of a microcycle will be higher than your RM test before the cycle, but by how much is difficult to predict. I agree with aa7 in that you should increase your weights instinctively as you progress through a microcycle. My goal is to hit my new RM, whatever it happens to be at the time, precisely on the last workout of the microcycle, and I adjust my increments as needed to achieve that goal. Based on how today's workout goes, I might note in my log that I need to increase weight more than usual, or predicted, for the next workout, or I might note to keep the weight the same. Over time, you start to understand your body's ability to grow and get stronger.
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