Stronglifts 5x5 to HST Questions


New Member
I've been doing the Stronglifts 5x5 program for about 8 weeks now and have made some good strength gains. However, I have not made the size gains I've been looking for and I have a few questions on HST. These programs are very similar and since I'm not sure how familiar you are with the program, I'll give a brief outline.

Workout A: Squat, Standing Overhead Press, Deadlift
Workout B: Squat, Bench Press, Bent Row

Workouts are rotated A, B, A, B etc on Monday, Wednesday, Friday.

Exercises are performed 5 sets of 5 reps (after proper warmups). Except deadlifts are 1 set of 5.

Each workout, the weight is increased 5lbs per exercise. Deadlifts can be 10lbs until that becomes too difficult.

When reps are missed, try again next workout same weight, and if failed try again. After 3 attempts, deload 10% and progress again.

As you can see, there are a few similarities between SL5x5 and HST... progressive loading, deloads/detraining, compound exercises.

EDIT: After doing more reading, I've revised my plan. I'd like to do something more like this:

Exercises (no particular order):
Bench Press
Overhead Press
Seated Cable Row
Bicep Curls (I know, it's not a compound, but I love those curls!)

Week 1/2 = 1 set of 15
Week 3/4 = 1 set of 10
Week 5/6 = 2 sets of 5
Week 7 = SD

I'd use 10lbs increments for squats and deads, 5lbs increments for the rest.

As always, feedback is welcome :D
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It can be frustrating at times, but size will come if you are gaining strength. Everyone is different and it takes some time to find out how your body responds. I think you will find that the mixed rep schemes will help with hypertrophy (Does for ME). Very solid compact routine. If mass is your goal, EAT everything you can get ahold of and stick with your plan and you should see the results you are looking for. Good luck And as a side note many trainers use 1 set of 15's, 2 sets of 10's and 3 sets of 5's. Not sure if this is the order of your exercises but I would do Bench before Overhead press so your shoulders and tris are fresh. Its ok to alternate squats and deads as well if its too much.
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