Stronglifts in one day?


New Member
Hello everyone, I'm sure you'll be able to process me quite quickly and move on...

What problems would you forsee in just doing all the Stronglifts lifts for HST: IE:

Overhead Press
Bench Press
Barbell Rows

I've cut my teeth on these lifts for the past year. They are my best friends. I don't want to see them go! I also love chins, dips, and incline situps. Please advise!

Many thanks indeed.

Stats if it helps:


Squat - x2 bw
Overhead Press: 0.75 bw
Deadlift - 2.5 bw
Bench Press - bw
Chins -15 good form reps
Dips - 10 good form reps

Thanks again!
Those Stronglifts exercises you listed are excellent for HST especially if you are planning a 3x/week full body workout. Chins and Dips are also excellent choices. About the only thing I would add is a dedicated Hamstring exercises assuming you don’t do wide stance Squats and Deadlifts which hit the Hamstrings pretty well in their own right.

You can certainly do sit ups and if you want and a calf exercise too, but if getting big is your main goal I would stick with the heavy compounds you already like. About the only isolation exercises I find really beneficial in helping me look bigger are Shrugs and Lateral Raises.
I'm so glad to hear that. Thank you grunt.

I am indeed planning 3x week. I wonder if I might be so cheeky as to ask further advice on this:

1 - Hamstrings - We have no GHR at my gym. I've tried ghetto GHR by kneeling down with my feet pinned under a bench. We do have a decline though, and today someone was doing this:

(I drew the pic haha) But is this wise? Or can you throw some other reccomendations, we have a leg curl machine.

2 - How is this in terms of order:

Overhead Press
Bench Press
Barbell Rows
Incline Sit Ups

Is this reccomendable? Or might it be sensible to separate this into A and B? If so, how best to split them?

Thanks again! Much much appreciated!

I would probably just do Good Mornings rather than try to use a decline bench like that. Personally I think you would do fine with Leg Curls since you are already doing Deadlifts and Squats both of which are going to hit your lower back pretty hard.

As long as you plan on doing a full body workout and stick to 8-10 exercises I wouldn’t do an A/B split. As for the order my preference would be:

Bench Press
Overhead Press
BB Rows
Leg Curls (hams)
Incline Sit Ups

This order certainly isn’t gospel but here’s my reasoning. I prefer to do the most physically demanding exercises as early as possible (though some people Deadlift last because it wipes them out) when I’m freshest and strongest. I also prefer to front load the exercises for body parts I want to improve the most. For example I prioritize chest over shoulders since my shoulders grow with no problem. If you wanted to prioritize shoulders over chest you could swap the Bench Press and Overhead Press around.

I also prefer to put as much time between similar exercises as possible which is why I’d try for more of a Legs, Push Pull order (though Deadlift is certainly both a Leg and Pull exercise). Arm intensive exercises go later so they don’t hamper the less arm intensive compound exercises. Finally isolation exercises and assistance exercises like Sit Ups go at the end since I don’t consider them priorities in muscle growth.
Amazing advice. I've even printed your post out for my corkboard. This is going to be great. I can't wait. Do you have any other generic tips or for HST?