Studies on Total reps


Active Member
So I was reading an article at yeah I know nobody flame me for reading it there but of the articles talked about the recent studies.

I have read this over a Lyles and at and it appears that studies show ( I don't have a reference or know which one...but if lyles says it I trust it) but anyway studies show that for hypertrophy Progressive load and reps between 50 and 100 per muscle group twice a week is ideal.

I thought that was pretty cool and dead on why MAX Stim and HST tend to lead to great results!


Again just and article posting something we already knew but it was good to hear it again anyway.

I say this only b/c I have been guilty of trying to figure out what is too much and what is not well as what is enought right now.

I think from my expirence this number seem about dead only and would explain why HST 3 sets of 10 three times a week works.

Also why Max stim works...and even the crazy programs like GVT with 100 reps once a week.

Food for thought!
By t-fag do you mean t-nation?

I actually like t-nation, its got some good articles.

Its and the like that sucks anus.

I agree that they do have some good articles at times. If I didn't think that I wouldn't read over there.

However what I dont like is that its not a free opinion forum. Try posting something that is against there belief and see what happens.

I am not talking about something in appropriate...nothing vulgar nothing of foul language just something that you disagree or challenge there view on.

Your thread will never get posted.

Another example you can't post a link over there. I tried to recommend HST one time and they would let me post a link.

I commented on an article about ST piere MMA fighter one time...I basically said in my post that it was a great article but I didn't agree with obvious product pushing of products for bio-test b/c the averagee noob doesn't know the difference...guess what the mod sent me an email saying I couldn't post that.

Go over to Lyles sight and you can find 1,000 of these situations were Lyles or others have challenged the views of berardi or others with scientific studies and guess what they cant post or comment either.

So how good of a forum can it be?

Not a democracy over there but a dictatorship by a Bill phillips wannabe IMO.
(Peak_Power @ Mar. 21 2007,16:48)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">By t-fag do you mean t-nation?

I actually like t-nation, its got some good articles.

Its and the like that sucks anus.</div>
lol...I admit, I like t-nation, too. Sometimes they have some really good articles. Heck, the price is right!

and yes, sucks major dirty anus...
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">lol...I admit, I like t-nation, too. Sometimes they have some really good articles. Heck, the price is right!

and yes, sucks major dirty anus...

I was kidnapped by HST while I was young (20). HST has taken advantage of me, and I gained tons of muscle in response. There is no other place for me to learn and talk about meat headed health &amp; fitness other than here.
(style @ Mar. 22 2007,09:03)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Hey joe, have you seen this link on Dan's site?</div>
Interesting stuff. That's a lot of reps. It'd certainly be hard to do in an HST routine @ 3x/week full body. Even doing an upper/lower split 2x each per week you'd have to limit exercises. To hit the minimum of 30 takes 3x10. If doing lower reps with more sets, clustering, or Max-Stim it's gonna take a while.

I rarely try to find and read an entire study and this one was sort of a meta-study so it'd take a lot to find out what all the studies they were looking at did. However, doing 30-60 reps several times a week for quads or another single muscle group is one thing, and makes a nice academic study. Hard to do in the gym where you're trying to get the whole body. Especially if you have a strength orientation and want to use some decent weights and not just pump.

Or am I the only one that thinks this?
(style @ Mar. 22 2007,15:02)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">30 reps per exercise is achievable, I wouldn't do 60!
Yeah, 60 sounds like one of those Waterbury routines where you do a ton of sets for 2 exercises in a superset, maybe 4 exercises total for the whole workout.

Only four exercises at 10 sets of 6 would take longer than one of my current workouts. I'm doing about 7 HST style exercises at warm ups plus a couple of sets each followed by a few others non-HST style. Even at 30 reps I'd be cutting back on the exercises.