Super Setting please help


New Member
What is the good bad and ugly on super setting? I started my first cycle Monday and feels pretty good. If you smart guys would please take a hard look at my plan. Thanks

 1x15 2weeks, 2x10 2 weeks, 3x5 2weeks, 3x3 2 week.

Monday - Friday                          Wensday
Incline BB SSA                             Bench Press SSA
Back Rows SSA                            Wide Grip Pulldown SSA

Dips SSB                                      Decline Press SSB
Leg Curl SSB                                Leg Curls SSB
Shruggs SSC                                 Shrugs SSC                  
Leg Extension SSC                        Leg EX SSC
Front Millitary SSD                         DB Shoulder Press SSC
ST Bar Bicep Curl SSD                    DB Curls SSC

Leg Press SSE                                Leg Press SSE
Tri Skull CrusherSSE                       Tri Push Down SSE

Abs SSF                                           Abs SSF
Calvs SSF                                        CAlvs SSF

Thanks for the help
You're a supersetting genuis why do you need our help?
Nah that's good man opposing muscle group SSing and different bodypart SSing, good choices. Have enough rest and get a drink inbetween SS groups so you don't burn out mid-workout.
I've read before that its best to superset antagonizing muscle groups with each other because there is always some tension on the antagonist muscle during a given exercise.

For example when doing barbell curls, there is a light load on the triceps as the brain is also firing not only the biceps mainly, but the triceps secondarily as well, which works against what the biceps are doing even more, and also works the triceps to an extent. If you superset these muscles the antagonist muscle that you just worked is getting more benefit, as it was just working against something in the previous exercise.

I may have just confused the heck outta someone, and that's probably why I'm not giving advice here. LOL

I don't know if that's why you're supersetting like you are but if it is I think its a good plan.
It looked perfect to me. I may do it. The argument here, if there is one, is which would be better, SS or Giant sets.
One advantage of a giant set is you use slightly less weight due to fatigue of the muscle. That same advantage would be for SS, only in a very small way by comparison.
I suppose the answer to that would be in considering that we're doing HST, and not failure training. But it's my 3 a.m. insomial wakeup, and I don't wanna think too hard.
that looks
the only problem i have with suppersets is that where i train if i put the weight down or get of the equipment im using ,someone usually jumps on it
Faz...wet a towel in the restroom and squeeze out the excess. Leave it on the bench when you go to do the other set. Nobody's gonna move that!
(quadancer @ Sep. 16 2006,02:43)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Faz...wet a towel in the restroom and squeeze out the excess. Leave it on the bench when you go to do the other set. Nobody's gonna move that!</div>
but then everyone will call me the sweaty guy.