

New Member
I have a bottle of Superdrol clone on the way and I want to stay with the HST protocol. I read the AAS portion of the FAQ and is this how you guys use PH or AAS with HST? 2 weeks on during the second week of 10s and 1 st week of 5s and then 4 weeks off? Any feedback would be appreciated.

If you're using anything like actual 'Drol, you're not gonna want to stop at a week of fives. You'll get slappy-strong there, but 4-5 weeks is about a max cycle for it, before your kidneys hurt so bad you have to lay on the floor between sets, or stuff just starts cramping. But you can extend your fives after the cycle to keep the gains too, so your setup will work. PCT, as you should know, should be as long as the cycle.

Some guys didn't cramp on it, but I did both times I tried it. Drink LOTS of water.
Like Quad said, extend the 5s.

Extend the 5s to at least six weeks, preferrably eight weeks, take the Superdrol the first two weeks of 5s, then do 5s for at least four more weeks before considering taking any time off from lifting. Be sure you have something real for PCT i.e. nolvadex, clomid.

I wouldn't go more than two weeks on the superdrol personally. Be sure to get your lipids, etc checked after you've finished PCT. Superdrol can really play some havoc with your cholesterol, and that's not a state you want to be in for a long time.
Do you know how you are going to extend the 5s? I would recommend accomplishing this by only increasing the weight used each week, instead of each session. If you are increasing the weight six times during the 5s, then this would give you six weeks of 5s at the very least. You can then stay at your 5 RMs from the sixth week on for a couple more weeks or so.
After hitting the 5 RMs, I would try increasing the weights used after another week and keep doing this from week to week until you can't anymore.

How many sets were you planning to do for each exercise? You may want to consider simply pursuing a rep count instead of going for a certain amount of sets. You could cluster, max-stim, or just do 8 sets of 3 on everything, which gives you a decent amount of reps. I'd shoot for 20 to 30 reps for everything.
Yeah, and expect to have fun while on, and work like heck when off. Sort of like racing with Avgas then finishing the race with regular.
(Totentanz @ Apr. 29 2007,19:31)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Like Quad said, extend the 5s.

Extend the 5s to at least six weeks, preferrably eight weeks, take the Superdrol the first two weeks of 5s, then do 5s for at least four more weeks before considering taking any time off from lifting.  Be sure you have something real for PCT i.e. nolvadex, clomid.

I wouldn't go more than two weeks on the superdrol personally.  Be sure to get your lipids, etc checked after you've finished PCT.  Superdrol can really play some havoc with your cholesterol, and that's not a state you want to be in for a long time.</div>
is the reasoning behind starting the cycle at the start of the 5's because of the amount of time it stays in your system after you come off so is effective throughout the 5s?
So that you are doing 5s for the entirety of PCT. You don't want to drop weight or stop lifting during PCT, that's a good way to lose what gains you will get. Superdrol isn't a huge gainer where you'll get enormous muscle gains, but it will give you a little extra something, more strength, etc, which is why it is important to work to keep the gains after you come off.
Yes. Two weeks of 15s, two weeks of 10s, then eight weeks of 5s. You could push further than eight weeks of 5s if you want, but as long as you are recovered from the Superdrol. Heck, you could even do another two weeks of Superdrol during the long, long 5s, if your joints aren't complaining, as long as you can maintain the weights you are using for around four weeks after you come off.
Thanks for the info Totentanz. I am thinking about maybe doing a 2 or 3 week cycle of this stuff after my current cut. Not sure yet.
I just recieved my M-drol. These things are tiny. Hard to belive one or two a day would even do anything unlike popping a 5mg dbol every 3-4 hours.
Well, you only need like 20-40 mgs, which really is a very tiny amount of powder if you think about it. Look at a 5 gram scoop of creatine sometime and realize that if that were superdrol, it would be 125 doses worth. Pills are mostly filler anyway...
Superdrol is nowhere near anything like dbol, Ive used both and it is nothing to dbol. Saying that I prefer sdrol to dbol, due to dbols harsh sides. I wouldn't expect it to give you gains like dbol though, just my opinion.
Right, I don’t expect it to. Dbols gains in strength and size are amazing plus my mood was great as well. But I got bloated from water retention and really kept nothing that I gained but that was probably my fault from lack of pct.
Exactly the same for me mate, great gains in strength and size. Lost the lot post cycle. Mind you i used it on its own, would be more usefull as part of a stack. Saying that though I still don't like it. Quite harsh on the old hairline.
Getting back to the superdrol (or clone), I've heard that strength increases a fair bit. With that in mind would it be a good idea to try and ride that and make the most of it while on? With HST in the first 2 weeks of 5's you would be using sub-max weights which would quickly become very sub-max and maybe not give as good gains.
Actually, the sub-max weights will be slightly more effective while on Superdrol... But anyway, the point is for you to be able to maintain your weights used or even increase them after you come off, so you can keep your gains. As long as you can do that, then you should be fine. I think that is the fatal error most guys make - dropping the weights after they come off. You should be dropping the volume, not the weight, as you come off.

Re: Dbol only - I know a couple people who got big off of Dbol, and a lot of the pros in the past used only Dbol or only Dbol and test, so... they didn't even do PCT back then, but I bet you a ton that they at least maintained the weights they were using and kept eating like mad.
One last question on this topic. I've read about possible testicle shrinkage using SD or clone and although I haven't bought any or decided to I thought I'd ask about this. Is this condition permanent or do they grow back? And are there any precautions that can be taken to prevent/minimalize it?