Switching an exercise after completing 5's


New Member
So, this week I’ll finish my fives and will be extending them for at least 6 additional workouts. I’ve been doing preacher curls and want to replace them with assisted chins to hit the biceps. I’m thinking I can just find out what my 5RM is for chins and then do them over the next 6 sessions. Is this a reasonable plan?
Yes. This is probably the best/safest way to train biceps with heavy weight. I've found with arm iso's over the years that going any heavier than 6 to 8 rep max is risky especially on an exercise like preacher curls (I saw a guy tear his bicep doin heavy preachers years ago, not a pretty site).For me, I always ended up with tendonitis when training arm iso's too heavy. For tri's close grip bench/dips would be acceptable as well if you feel they needed extra attention as well.
Yeah, for tris, I'm doing BW(236)+20 dips and will try to keep adding for the next 6 workouts. Hit or exceeded all my weight goals except missed BP & preachers by 5lb. But, in my defense, I'm trying to cut fat and am in a 500+ daily calorie deficit. I believe if I can maintain strength it means I'm probably not losing muscle.