Switching exercise mid cycle?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dilsie
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I just finished with my second week of 10's, and my question is: Can I switch from wide grip pullups to reverse grip chins? I was thinking that they would target my biceps more, seeing as I didn't feel as much from the wide grips.
If I could switch, and my 5RM for the wide grips was my BW, what do u think my 5RM would be for the reverse grip chins?

I don't see a problem with switching. Your 5 RM would probably be a bit higher, since it's easier to move more load with that sort of grip. Are you using an assistance machine or anything like that? If I were you, I'd just start doing them at bodyweight and judge strength from there. At worst, you'll have to just settle for doing 5 reps at bodyweight all through your 5s, but that's not really a bad thing. RBE won't set in that quickly and it will help you build up your strength in that particular movement.
Are you planning on doing negatives with these? Even if you don't do negatives for anything else, you really should do negatives for chins. It's one of the easiest movements to do negatives for and it will help you out a lot, in my experience.
Yeah, I am using an assistance machine. I figure I would just start at about 50lbs, and then work my way down to just my BW. Then for the next 2 weeks, I would add weight to a belt when I felt needed. How does that sound?
I wouldn't.

Stick to the exercise you have chosen for this cycle and start the new one the next. Even though these are similar and recruit the same (or close to it) muscles the neural learning offset may cause a stagnation in your growth response as you have to LEARN the new movement. So since you've started and want growth (I'm assuming), stick to what you've been doing.