Switching exercises during post-5s


New Member
i do not have a training partner so should i switch in diferent exercises to use negatives during the post-5s?
for instance i cannot do negatives for squats should i switch to leg press using 2 legs concentric and one leg eccentric?
and do one-arm machine chest press in place of dips?
in the FAQ it says to just use partials or continue with the 5s for those exercises but i was wondering if this is another viable option.
You should be able to do dips negative style. I workout at home and managed to do negatives for dips, chins, curls, etc. For dips, just jump up to the top of the movement, then lower yourself down slowly. Same for chins. For curls, just cheat the weight up, then lower it down slowly. Thats how I did them, though some people do one arm curls and use both arms to bring the weight up and one to lower it.

What all exercises are you doing? Maybe some of us can give you advice on how to do them negative style.
[form technique for for post 5s]
Decline BB [switch to machine press, 2 up 1 down]
Bent-over row [cheat negatives]
Calves W/ bb [switch to Toe Press 2 up 1down]
DB Military Press [qwitch to machine, 2up 1down]
Close-grip chins/lat Pulldowns [use a crate/cheat]
Reverse grip bench press [J press]
Dips [crate]
Lat Pulldown [switch to pull-ups and do negatives w/ crate]
Toe Press [2 up 1down]
Machine Military press [2 up 1 down]
Preacher cambered-bar curl [cheat negatives]
Close-grip Bench [J press]

(i alternate each bodypart's two exercises each workout)

so i guess i have most of the upper-body stuff down but what about legs?

i do Lunges, Squats and Deadlifts.
thats where i was wondering if i should switch to leg press to do negatives
Close grip bench - press it up, lower it skull crusher floor, when you release it, it's from the lowest point (close to the floor).

You won't be able to handle anywhere near as much weight but it's the premier isolation exercise for tris.
is that the same thing as a J press? what i was going to do was do close press normally for the 10s-5s then for the post 5s press up normally then lower the bar like an extension to my forehead then bring the bar back down in front of my chest and repeat, this would i guess be more like a way to do skullcrusher as a negatives.

so you mean lower it behind your head like a pullover?
At the end of the rep yeh. Since you're doing negs you'll be doing them one at a time right? And also, if it's a load heavier than what you're capable of doing for 1RM, I don't fancy lowering to the forehead and trying to bring it over my face a lot.
i thought you did an entire SET of negatives? like 5 reps all together.
in the FAQ it does not say to do only one eccentric rep and thats it.
i always thought it was done as a set of 5.
am i mistaken?
It depends on how much weight you use. When I use a weight that is rougly around my 2 RM for negatives, I do 2 full reps, concentric included, then 3 eccentric only reps for each set.
so basically you just add negatives in place of a regular rep when the weight gets too heavy? so conceivably you COULD be doing a 5 rep set of all negatives near the end of the cycle

and so should i switch leg press for squats, machine press for decline bb etc? or just do partials instead of negatives for those exercises
No, I meant that you do them one at a time.... so 5x 1 rep.

Think about it, if the MOST I can do for a skullcrusher rep is 40kgs then how can I do 5 neg reps of 60kgs consectutively...? for instance.
I think it depends on how much eccentric strength you have, but I agree, once you increase the weight enough, it is just not realistic that you will be able to do a full set of 5 eccentric reps.
so i would just do cluster sets when the weight gets too heavy, but still have a total volume of 5 reps per exercise?
Well negatives ARE clustered by definition really. You can't do negatives consectutively b/c you can't complete the concentric part of the movement (w/out aid from a partner or lots of body language).
what i was going to do with some exercises is cheat like hell on the concentric phase in order to do eccentrics with heavy weight without a spotter. so with BB rows i would use momentum and throw my body forward in order to get the weight up(which i would not do during the 15s-5s) and then do a negative with good form and continue for five reps. for dips of chins i would put a crate or box under me so i could put my feet on it and jump back up to the top and then go slow on the eccentric.
Cheating on BB rows is like inviting Hugh Heffner to stay in your gf's room . . . . just gonna lead to trouble.

Right idea on dips and chins + step up.

If you can stand the effort, then deads are viable for negs - lift it from the rack (if have one)/or something up at the top, then do the negative rep. Release bar on ground, take off plates that make it too heavy, raise it back up, repeat...tedious but effective.