Switching from Bulking to Maintenance in the same cycle?


New Member
I was wondering if it is okay to switch from a bulking regime to a maintance in the same HST cycle. Like say I gained 5 kg in a cycle, and I wanted to stall the fat gain for a week before returning to surplus calories, would this be harmful for growth? I determined my TDEE to be ~ 3 k calories, with Intermittent Fasting I would be eating around 3200 on workout days and 25-2600 on rest days.

Is this harmful for growth? Should I switch back to surplus calories immediately or will doing this for one week not hurt my progress?
It wont hurt your progress, but I doubt it will make any difference. Its too short a time scale.

Have a look at carb cycling (which you can incorporate into IF anyway)
Yea, I already do that with IF on rest days I take in very low amount of carbs and on work days I go crazy with carb intake.
So stick with it for a while and see how you get on.

Too many of us, myself very much included, keep changing our diet plans, to find that 'magic' diet, without giving it enough time for our bodies to adapt and progress...
