Target shoulders in simplified routine?


New Member
Hi, I am following a simplified HST routine (thanks to the simplify and win thread), but I am not sure whether I need to specifically target my shoulders.

My routines are:

Chest Dips

Inverted Row
Incline Bench Press

M/W/F. I do 2x15s, 3x10s and 5x5s in their respective weeks due to the low number of exercises.

Shoulders are used in all of these exercises, esp the dips and bench press. Do you think I need to add a specific shoulder exercise (military press or some variation) to one of the sessions or should the stimulation they are already getting from the other exercises be enough for them to grow?
Hi, I am following a simplified HST routine (thanks to the simplify and win thread), but I am not sure whether I need to specifically target my shoulders.

My routines are:

Chest Dips

Inverted Row
Incline Bench Press

M/W/F. I do 2x15s, 3x10s and 5x5s in their respective weeks due to the low number of exercises.

Shoulders are used in all of these exercises, esp the dips and bench press. Do you think I need to add a specific shoulder exercise (military press or some variation) to one of the sessions or should the stimulation they are already getting from the other exercises be enough for them to grow?

I'd assume this is enough to stimulate the shoulders.
I rarely work my shoulders because I hate shoulder exercises. My shoulders aren't small, but they aren't big either. The moral of my story is that you should try it with and without, and see. You'll just have to figure out what works for you.
Thanks for the replies guys. I figured it would be enough, but its nice to get a second opinion. Though I guess i do need to try it and see. If my shoulders aren't growing, I'll just add a shoulder exercise in.

Squat, chin, dip, deads, bench, row -- now that's my kind of program!

It's great, feels like a proper workout and takes only 30 mins or so.

Thanks again guys.