Tc the advanced HST'ers


New Member
Hey guys,

i was just thinking about some of the stuff in the FAQ regarding cycle to cycle progression.

When determining our RMs for the initial we are instructed to test them all out before the first cycle, and in progressing cycles we are to simply add the weight as we see fit, in most cases 5-10 lbs.

I was thinking that i can't imagine continuing to add more and more weight EACH and EVERY cycle as the weight could get VERY heavy.

i've noticed that although i CAN LIFT ALOT it feels very strenuous on the area around the joints, and i don't like it, it's kind of scary. (i could be noticing this also cuz i am cutting?)

Anyways, I think i am going to retest my RMs after this cycle, and test my strength while SLOWING DOWN and controlling the weight, and use that.

So, does there come a time when we must test RMs after each and every cycle?

Should we just make notes on how easy the last RM felt and determine if weight should or should not be added?

Also, my routine is,

Seated Milatary

I am thinking i should be doing soem rotator cuff work to keep them healthy. any suggestions?
What works for me is to test the maxes at the end of Each RM phase, so for 10's the very last workout in the 10RM I'll do my test just so I can stay on top of it. On a side note my maxes have not increased 5 to 10% each cycle, generally they have increased about 10% every other cyclefor larger movements and every 3rd cycle for smaller muscles, but overall they have increased.
Hi onemorerep

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]i've noticed that although i CAN LIFT ALOT it feels very strenuous on the area around the joints, and i don't like it, it's kind of scary.

If we are going to get technical we could say that yes, therotecally you dould, however it depends a lot on your conditioning at the time and, as Dan pointed out, it might only happen after a few cycles.

In response to your statement above, I could say, if your joints are hurting, there are a variety of things one could do:

1 - If you are on negatives and the joints are really hurting each and every time, drop the cycle and SD...then extend your 15's for one week or start with 20's rather and even lighter weight, and maybe again just for the joints that are hurting.

2 - if option one is not feasible, then reduce your range of motion and push the heavy weights on the strong range of motion only, you will not only be able to push more weight but will drastically reduce the danger of injury

Some of the dudes may not agree with me :confused: and others will think that I am starting to sound like Pete Cisco
but at the risk of all that, I still think it is a safe procedure regardless of criticism by some

3 - Last but not least, may be that the exercise you are currently doing does not allow you to push so heavy, maybe it is time to think up others that you slot in or even substitute

You are doing the very basic compounds only and they can get heavy, maybe it is time to start using some isolation movements here and there. :D  

Hope this helps.

It's not that my joints hurt, they don't at all, i just FEEL the strain in them you know what i mean? i feel the stretch in and around the joints.
im going to have to agree here, a couple of cycles in your starting max some really heavy weights. I ran into this same problem doing some intense military presses, when I finished my 5 rep week my left shoulder wasnt feeling too hot.

I decided to get a massage in my negative week and not add more weight for the next round of that exercise. If my body is okay with it this at the end of this round ill add some more weight for next time. Otherwise im seeing that as a "slow down" message from my body, and id rather slow down than have a hurt anything, anyday.

It is at this time that we have to decide whether we are bodybuilders or powerlifters.

Why I say this is that bodybuilding does not require as heavy a weight as power lifting, and the training is around building bigger and better looking muscles
sometimes one should err on the side of lighter weights :confused:

Not that we don't get tempted, always, it is a ego thing you see
, but when it comes to protecting your body, then wisdom always comes first :) .

By the sound of it you may be getting to the end of the 8 week cycle and then the joint story, as you say, feels rather weird almost like overused hinges, hey

Anyway hope this advice does not sound too crazy


I am about bigger muscles not lifting more weight. i used to train powerlifitng style but i've given that up.. as u can see ai no longer bench or deadlift. i do full squats, which allows me to use much less weight.
i thought the idea of sd was so that you didnt have to lift to much weight and still gain muscle.
The idea of SD is to make the muscle once again susceptable to microtrauma, and to reverse the effects of RBE. That is not to say you can gain muscle indefintely with the same weight, i'm sure for a time you can but following the princinple of progressive load, the weights must increase. This principle applies not only from workout to workout within a cycle but from cycle to cycle as well.