The 300 Movie...

I'm pretty sure only the main guy, Gerard Butler or whatever his name is, did that, most of the others seem to have painted on abs.
Okay... so their stuntmen look good. Big deal. Vincent still has little ab definition at week eight - nowhere near the level he had in the movie, so obviously they helped him out with some effects or makeup there. Guillermo after 13 weeks looks pretty good, but he looked good before anyway.

If you seriously want to go do crazy stuff like they describe there, then go ahead. You aren't going to build a bodybuilder type physique with this kind of training. There is nothing magical about it. This happens with every movie that comes out. Everyone is like "How'd that dude get to look like that?!" and start poring over their schedules and so on. Yes, they look good in the movies and I'm sure they worked hard to get that way. Doesn't change the fact that movies are tweaked for lighting, makeup etc to make them look the best they can possibly look at every moment.

So... nothing magical about it. Anyone can look like that. You just have to put in a little work.
Hey, Blizz, Totz has my vote. I'm sure that if any of us were offered big bucks to get into shape it would seem pretty darn easy to stay motivated. That's a pretty nice carrot at the end of that stick.

I might try reciting Shakespeare during my next squat session just to see if it gives me the edge.
appearences can be deceptive especially on film but it looks like they put in some hard like to be coached by one of the top "trainers" that are often used to get movie stars into shape and see what he could do for me, over and above what i could gain myself, i wonder how many have chemical assistance to accomplish thier goals,as many movie stars are known for doing what ever it takes to get ready for a big role?

@fake abs painted on, id feel such a fraud lol.
(lcars @ Aug. 05 2007,05:41)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">@fake abs painted on, id feel such a fraud lol.</div>
To fake abs like mine they'd have to tie on a bag of concrete (or flour...).
I agree with Tot..but he left out one possibilities too.

Steroids...Im not saying they did or didn't but they are just as popular among the Hollywood crowd as they are sports.

I dont want to cry steroids everytime someone looks good...b/c thats not always the case.

But put 20 million up front for a paycheck if you look good and well you could see were the motivation would be!

Beside that routine is SEVERE overtraining!
Regarding assistance, I doubt that Vincent, for instance, used anything to get into the shape he did. If you look at this before and after pics, you can see the progress but it's pretty much the same thing you see with anyone on the boards who goes on a cut and takes progress pics.

But looking at some other actors who got into good shape for their roles, it's possible that they may have dipped into the juice a bit, considering the time constraints. Think Punisher, Batman, Blade 3, etc. Not that I think using assistance invalidates their hard work. Just speeds things up for them.

I just don't see any point in trying to emulate these people when most of us already know what it takes to get those kind of results. As long as you have the knowledge, all you need is patience, willpower and discipline.
And don't forget because the producers are 'investing' in their training. They have top trainers with then 24/7 ensuring their diets are in check etc. Making their meals for them, counting their calories and nutrient intake etc. I think if anyone could afford that we would look like that.

I wonder what they look like now??
(Grant Freckleton @ Visual Effects Art Director for 300)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">re: are all those abs real? Yes, all the abs are real, the cast worked out like crazy. There was some makeup 'enhancement' by way of airbrushing. Funnily enough, there was a sequence shot in the rain, where all this airbrushing got washed off. The cast still looked awesome without it.</div>

Okay, so in other words, those abs aren't all real.
i posted most of my thoughts on the orig. 300 thread around the time the movie came out.

i still think they &quot;looked&quot; good for a few reasons.
none were terribly big muscle-wise (most were of avg. muscularity) but all were lean. lean only works with your shirt off and as luck would have it in 99% of the movie these guys had on less then i go to the beach with.

5'10&quot; 155-165lbs at 8% doesnt sound terribly impressive but so long as your acting along with folks of equal size you look good. put a couple guys who've working out (seriously) for more then a yr or 2 and youll see a diff.

from what ive read it sounds like a punishing w/o routine and not for the long haul or ideal for mass gains. then again thats not what they were shooting for. sounds like they were going for the &quot;lean warrior&quot; look and trying to blast max fat off while maint./enhancing as much muscle as possible in a short time span.........i for one think it worked pretty well.

personally id like to see more on the diet aspect over this period. as we all know there is a lot of different ways to lift wgts and do cardio but none of that matters when it comes to cutting unless you exercise some serious control (over time) on what you put in your mouth.
I don't really think that crazy routine they had is necessary to get the look they achieved. HST with a proper diet and some cardio could produce the same results and with less torture. Less chance of overtraining or injury as well. Seriously, some of the stuff they did was just nuts and I'm surprised no one got hurt doing it.
(Totentanz @ Aug. 07 2007,17:07)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I don't really think that crazy routine they had is necessary to get the look they achieved. HST with a proper diet and some cardio could produce the same results and with less torture. Less chance of overtraining or injury as well. Seriously, some of the stuff they did was just nuts and I'm surprised no one got hurt doing it.</div>
No one got hurt, that we know of.....
(Totentanz @ Aug. 05 2007,12:05)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I just don't see any point in trying to emulate these people when most of us already know what it takes to get those kind of results.  As long as you have the knowledge, all you need is patience, willpower and discipline.</div>
I think it's useful if people look at the routines the right way, as in asking, &quot;Do I need to reassess my program and goals, and is there anything this guy did that I might be able to use?&quot; I always like reading about some of the unconventional approaches, callistenics I didn't know about, etc.
Nothing special to me.

Check out this interview with gerard butler:

A quote at 1:57:

&quot;The people were chosen who were in shape &amp; the stunt team......there was a huge amount of auditions just to be a stuntman for this film. It wasnt just to have skilled stuntman, but also the appropriate physique&quot;

So that right there shows you they werent taking the average guy, they were taking guys with already good physiques. Which doesnt suprise me, seeing as the pictures on all of those articles show nothing but a large amount of fat being lost (Probably due to burning shitloads of calories from doing the endless work they did) which resulted in them having far more definition.

Take any guy whos been working out for a good while and has decent size but also a decent amount of fat to cover it...shred the fat away...and you have a miracle new body. Everything looks bigger, because you can then see more of the muscle.
(JonnyH @ Aug. 15 2007,15:13)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Take any guy whos been working out for a good while and has decent size but also a decent amount of fat to cover it...shred the fat away...and you have a miracle new body. Everything looks bigger, because you can then see more of the muscle.</div>
I agree and that was exactly what I was trying to say earlier. We all see these kinds of results all the time on these kinds of forums. I'm sure many of us have cut down before as well. There is nothing special going on here. Just a calorie deficit and some exercise, just like everyone else does.
I agree...take a guy with any sort of muscularity and an arm over 15 inches add lights and camera (adding ten pounds as the saying goes) and voila! have a physique that the vast untrained masses will marvel at....