The answer to muscle building is here....


New Member
...erm not really but I thought it might make you read my post! ;)

I need to choose from the 2 routines below and I'd appreciate people's thoughts on which is better. I'm condensing my weights into 30 mins to allow myself to do more cardio...I hate doing it but I'm fed up with being unfit so it's got to be done.

Up to now I've been doing a 6x a week all over body routine, which by the 5s goes as follows...

regular deadlifts (2sets) and straight leg deadlifts (2 sets)
chest 2 x compound sets, 1 x stretch point set, loaded stretch, 1 x pulse set
same for back and shoulders
bis and tris - the same without the compounds

I have since split this in 2 (each done 3 times a week) - with deadlifts, sl deadlifts, back and bis together and chest, shoulders and tris together.

I'm considering having just one routine to allow 6 x a week training where I just do the compounds with a light set of 15s after and one exercise for bis and tris. Effectively getting rid of the stretch point movements, loaded stretches and pulses in order to allow 6x a week training for each body part.

So that's my choice really, split routine incorporating all those techniques or fully body 6x week with just the compounds and bi/tri exercises, which would be more beneficial?

Opinions appreciated


False advertising

False advertising, that is rich LOL, I must say I had a good laugh
 Yet it is true!

Around here we're pretty much direct, most of the time you will get answers to your post without having to lure attention!

Anyways, jokes aside! I'm with O&G and the others, 2nd routine looks better.

Also thought there was tooo much deadlifting! Squats? Don't see them, I'd suggest use the two, most of us alternate them per workout but I'd be silly to say all of us do!

I personally think it is too much for the lower back. Opinions do vary though!

Here's a table I picked up from one of the oldies with a lot of sense in it, I think I'll post it just for the fun of it ;)

Nice adding Fausto!

Gonna keep it in case I'm uninspired at a time :-p



Just thought it may be useful, specially for the newer guys.

I found it inspiring enough!
Thanks guys,

The second option is definitely much simpler but I do enjoy doing different exercises and experimenting with loaded stretches and pulses etc (devotee of the customizing thread). I've come to the same conclusion as you guys though - although these techniques may help growth in addition to compounds my second routine allows more comound sets more frequently and that should be of greater benefit.

With respect to deadlifts - I've never done deads or squats in my previous routines as I'm not too bothered about my legs and something in faq convinced me that doing legs does not actually have a miraculous hormonal effect that makes your upper bopdy get huge! I've put in deads for overall development and strength and as I was doing them I threw in a set of sldl as well. I have started with quite low weight to get the hang of the technique but maybe I started too low because 2 sets of dead and 1 set of sldl doesn't trouble me too much! I think I'll alternate between the 2 from now on then.

So the second routine it is!

