The Basics of an HST Routine


New Member
ok, so im starting Hypertrophy Specific Traning

the HST website is pretty damn cryptic and you gotta go through a lot of crap to get to the basic setup of the training schedule and recommended nutrition.

Im gonna go ahead and detail how I set up my workout, which i put up for review by yall. Also, if anyone wants to be my e-workout-buddy and start the program too we can compare gains :] Ill go ahead and put up some beginning pix so I can compare later.

anyways on to the meat of the matter under


You need to go to a gym and either with someones help or with the help of a professional trainer, figure out what your 5RM, 10RM, and 15RM are. nRM means the maximum weight you can do for n reps. I read somewhere that you can extrapolate your 10RM and 5RM based on 15RM, but I need to do more research.


HST is a 10 week program, divided up into 2 week blocks.

block 1 - 15 rep sets

block 2 - 10 rep sets

block 3 - 5 rep sets

block 4 - either 5 rep sets at max weight or do negatives (negatives? They were sketchy on the technique and reps and etc. for block 4 so im probably gonna stick with 5 rep sets)

block 5 - Systematic Deconditioning - e.g. dont do ANY weight lifting. Cardio is still ok so keep it up. I am not sure if we take suppliments during this time, but I will still take multi vits regardless.


EACH 2 WEEK BLOCK is comprised of 6 workouts, spaced either 1 or 2 days apart. (e.g. work M-W-F or Sun-Tu-Th or Tu-Th-Sat)

In each of these workouts you will increase the weight each week until you hit your nRM for each rep type., hitting the max every 2 weeks at the last workout in a block. For small muscles such at the Biceps or Triceps, increase weight in 5 lb increments. For bigger stuff like legs increase somewhere around 10 lbs per workout. THUSLY... if my 15RM for chest press was 155, I would start off 1st workout of week 1 at 130 lbs. Then wednesday I would do 135, then 140 on friday, then so on till the friday of week 2, where I would do 155 lbs 15 times. THE FOLLOWING monday I would do 10 reps at 35 lbs below my 10RM, and work up to it over the course of 2 weeks, so on so forth with each individual exercise.


EACH WORKOUT consists of

3 sets legs
3 sets chest
4 sets back
1 sets traps
3 sets shoulder
2 sets bicep
2 sets tricep
2 sets calves
2 sets abs

You can switch up the order some if you want but I really like that order cause it seems to kinda burn out properly or something.


Ok, Im pretty sure that summarises all the information ive seen scattered around in a fashion even a tard like me can chew on. Please comment on this and lemme know if I have missed anything.
sets depend on you no fixed amount.
you dont have to do this.
you can do this.
good luck
to not open a new thread i will ask here, does a)higher increases in load result in more hypertrophy than b)"lighter increases in loads but more often"

a) 120/120/135/135/145/145
b) 120/125/130/135/140/145

so which will end in more hypertrophy stimulation ?
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">block 4 - either 5 rep sets at max weight or do negatives (negatives? They were sketchy on the technique and reps and etc. for block 4 so im probably gonna stick with 5 rep sets)</div>

Negatives are the concentric or lowering part of the exercise. They are obviously best done with a spotter. Some exercises you can cheat such as dips and chins on an assisted machine, or when doing exercises on the Smith.

If you lift alone, then don't fret about this part. You can continue with your 5RM for two weeks and progress on it a bit. Throw some cheating in there, pulsing, drop sets, and static holds to make it worthwhile.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">EACH WORKOUT consists of </div>

That's not set in stone. Some people will go 1 set in the 15's, 2 sets in the 10's, and 3 for 5's for each exercise to keep volume constant. Others ramp it a bit, count sets, cluster reps, or do as much as they can. It's your own jungle, so make your own path.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">a)higher increases in load result in more hypertrophy </div>

A for Apple
(choco @ May 31 2006,16:36)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">to not open a new thread i will ask here, does a)higher increases in load result in more hypertrophy than b)&quot;lighter increases in loads but more often&quot;

a) 120/120/135/135/145/145
b) 120/125/130/135/140/145

so which will end in more hypertrophy stimulation ?</div>
Scientifically or anecdotally?

Scientifcally no answer, as there are no apparent studies on humans that equate the type of progresion to hypertrophy. There are a couple on strength gains but they show no significant difference.

Anecdotally, many feel larger loading is best as it keeps the RBE response at bay. I think a lot of that is subjective as larger loading increases DOMS and it is that which they are measuring and using as the yardstick of effectiveness. I personally do think it matters that much as long as the relative difference in starting and ending weights are the same. Your A&amp;B example for instance.

Welcome aboard.

Nothin' really criptic here. What you need to do is get hold of the FAQ e-book and take some time to read it.

There is also Jules's Pimp my HST e-book which consists of a lot of other variants that can be used in the program, these are techniques many of us use.

You pretty much got the picture, negatives are the eccentric (Colby made a mistake there) but he is right, you would be doing only the negative part of teh exercise, you neither pushing nor pulling, but rather holding back (eg:bench) or letting go (eg: Lat pulldown).

Your workout is fine, although you don't not need to do isolation at all but that is up to you!

The ferquency and volume is entirely up to you but of course you should do something that will benefit you!

Will write more later!
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">You pretty much got the picture, negatives are the eccentric (Colby made a mistake there) but he is right, you would be doing only the negative part of teh exercise, you neither pushing nor pulling, but rather holding back (eg:bench) or letting go (eg: Lat pulldown).</div>

I seem to be making a lot of typo's in my late night posts the past few weeks!

Good news: Today, I start my 5th cycle after a 23 day SD.