The Comeback


New Member
I have been lifting for almost two years on and off. I say on and off because at the beginning of the summer I stopped lifting to focus my training on a full-contact fighting tournament that I had planned to do. Unfortunately in early/mid July I got slammed into a wall while training and broke my left clavicle. After a lot of research I plan
on doing my first HST routine whenever my clavicle fully heals. I have done a few other routines before, most of which I came up with on my own (many were fairly
complex high-intensity type stuff) and gained about 50lbs of LBM since I started lifting and have trained many of my friends who have subsequently made similar gains. The most I ever weighed was between 175 and 180 at 8 to 12%BF. After not lifting for 3 months I am now around 150 with a little less BF. Basically I am just looking for an overall increase in mass but it should be noted that my traps are by far my best body-part and do not need to be trained directly and my quads are also pretty big so one compound move will suffice for them. Naturally a lot of the gains I plan on making will be from muscle-memory but I expect to exceed my previous weight before the cycle is over. I would rather alternate exercises every other workout for variety. Here are the exercises I most prefer for each body part:

Exercises sets: 1
Decline DB
Bent-over row
Calves W/ bb
DB Military Press
(Preacher cambered-bar curl
Close-grip Bench)
Kneeling ab cable crunch

Exercise set: 2
DB Lunges
Rack Deadlifts
Toe Press
Incline Db lateral raise
(Close-grip chins/lat pulldowns
Reverse grip bench press)
Notes: I cannot do free-weight triceps extension due to inexplicable pain in my elbows and I cannot do full deadlifts due to limited tendon flexibility in my hips/hamstrings (causes low-back muscle strains).
Arm exercises can be dropped if necessary.
My diet is as good as I can possibly make it (being really anal) even
though I am at school, so that is taken care of. (Exercise Science major, Nutrition minor)
One workout a day, 3 days a week is the maximum
amount I am able to perform be cause of my schedule.
Also, some of the gains may be hampered because of the high-intensity
fight training (I am going to train for the same tournament next year
:)) I do 2-3 times a week and should be taken into consideration
when evaluating the progress I will post later.

I understand all of the basics but I am not 100% about what Volume, Clustering and post-5s Optimization/Specialization/metabolic techniques I should be using despite extensive reading.

What I have so far:
No zigzagging of weights, repeat if necessary.
Use increments of 5-20 lbs. per workout (5 for curls, ~20 for deadlifts etc)
For both weeks of the 15s I am guessing that I should have a volume of 30 reps per non-arm exercise so about 150 reps per workout but done with straight, ‘normal’ sets.

For the 10s I would do ~25 reps per exercise completing each exercise in a ‘one-set’/cluster fashion, as I never-ever go to failure (or at least never over-fatigue) but stop when form starts to falter, rest for 15-30 seconds then continue as many times as necessary to complete rep total. OR Hit 10 reps, then rest fully, then cluster the next set.

Begin performing Pulse-stretches or Loaded-stretches after final set of each body-part and increase weight over time when needed.

For 5s and post-5s do ~13 reps per exercise. After completing assigned reps per exercise do a 15-rep burn-set with a light weight.

For the Post 5s add weight once every week. Replace full-ROM sets on rowing movements with stretch ROM partials continually adding weight and using a cluster style and same reps as before (does this include curls, rows and deadlifts?)

These are the main questions bugging me:
When do I add eccentrics if at all?

When would I add in direct arm work if I do not start the 15s with them? Should I?

When would I alternate deadlifts and squats each workout, or cut one of them out entirely? The 2nd week of each rep block?

From my experience:

You won't need loaded stretches or pulse stretches intil the post 5s phase, def. not in 5s or 10s.

Be careful with clustering, it can lead to fatigue/failure if you're not careful. I've only clustered for heavy weights - lower rep quota. The first set is the most important for hypertrophy (from what Old&Grey in particular has said), and the second set you should keep going until you can't complete the reps at the same speed.

Direct arm work - not needed if with the compounds you're using (dips, deads, rows) and you sound like you know what you're doing, so form/technique isn't in question. I don't think concentric isolation do very much at all, but maybe isolated stretches in the last phase.

Eccentric - I've had more success with these than I have with pulsing. You should use these OR loaded stretches IMO. I like to use eccentrics for wide grip chins, shoulders (sm.mach or db press), and dips. Maybe it's because it's easier to incorporate a spotter, fairly safe.

Alternating Deads & Squats:

WEEK 1 of rep phase

Workout 1 - Squat

Workout 2 - Lunges

Workout 3 - Dead


Workout 4 - Lunge

Workout 5 - Squat

Workout 6 - Lunge

Next rep phase, start with deads..?
Alright, cool. That clears up most of it. I’ll just do normal sets with the 10s and 5s and only cluster if need be.

If I am doing loaded stretches or eccentrics should I do them AFTER my second 5 rep set (to keep volume/rep-range up)or do them IN PLACE OF one 5 rep set? Do eccentric/stretch sets count towards total rep count for that exercise?

I will probably just incorporate loaded stretches or eccentrics as each exercise dictates as I do not have a training partner.
For instance I would do loaded stretches on chest, the ‘2 hand up 1 hand down’ method or cheat on the concentric for back and just do straight sets for legs, shoulders and deadlifts.

So the post 5s exercises would approximately look like this:
Squats - straight set
Decline DB- loaded stretch
Bent-over row- cheat up eccentric down
Calves W/ bb - straight set
DB Military Press – 1 straight set
(Preacher cambered-bar curl - stretch ROM partials
Close-grip Bench) – do a ‘J’ press instead of straight up and down
DB Lunges- straight set
Dips – loaded stretch
Rack Deadlifts- straight set
Toe Press – 2 up one down eccentrics
Incline Db lateral raise – cheat up eccentric down
(Close-grip chins/lat Pulldowns- cheat up eccentric down
Reverse grip bench press) ‘J’ press

Like mix and match those techniques depending on the exercise?

Or should I just pick one (eccentrics or loaded stretches) and stick with it the whole way through and just do straight sets if that particular technique is not viable to an exercise?

And what about drop sets? With or in place of stretches/eccentrics?
Wait, wait i think i got it

5s - Week 1: Do 1 15 rep burn set after final working straight set of each bodypart.
Week 2: If doing a pressing movement, go straight into half-range, strong-range partials, then pulses, finally finishing off with a static hold near lock-out + loaded stretch (after 2nd set).
If doing a pulling movement, lower training load by 20-30% after both straight sets, then go straight into weak-range (i.e. closest to body) pulses, then finish off with a static hold (i.e loaded stretch).

Post 5s:Do all exercises Eccentric, then stretch ROM partials(pulses) + loaded stretch + 15 rep burn set after 2nd set on each exercise.
if Eccentrics cannot be done on that exercise then continue with straight sets as in Week # 2 of 5s)
Adding weight each workoutand continue as long as progression occurs.

Ok, please check this for glaring errors or changes that need to be made.
Wow . . .def. the thought put in there

This is what I do:

5s - 2 sets, drop/burn set after the second

Post 5s - 2 sets, drop/burn, then the loaded stretch. OR, if I'm doing eccentrics for that exercises then 5 or 6 eccentrics (spaced out obv.) and a burn set.

So long as you're eating enough and at the right times (pre, post etc), and you maintain frequency and increasing the weight used, then HST will work.
OK i think i have it down pretty good.
Thanks for all of your help Jester :)
i will be sure to post my final rotine before i start it and i will give some progress updates as soon as my clavicle heals up.

In my opinion, if you are doing negatives/eccentrics, you do not need to do a loaded stretch for that movement. I don't know about you, but negatives wipe me out. I can't imagine trying to do a loaded stretch afterward - that would be torture.

Also, for burn sets, you may not want to use compounds to try to get a burn. For instance, I find that with pecs, which I hit with dips and incline bench, the only way to get a burn is to do dumbbell bench press for 20 reps or more. Also, for some reason, using Arnold presses for a burn set gives me a better burn than military press.

Actually, since this is your first HST cycle, I would probably avoid loaded stretches and pulse sets, or at least minimize their use. But definitely do negatives where you can.