the "game"


New Member
im visiting my dad in FL right now and he went from out of shape to ripped with 16" arms.

he has been working with a trainer (265lb bodybuilder) that does arm isos in the following way:

first set - 1 rep w/ 1 sec break
2nd set - 2 reps w/ 2 sec break
3rd set - 3 reps w/ 3 sec break
and so on to 15

he calls it the "game".

i am going to try to do some higher rep/less rest time with my arm isos. im not sure i will incorporate this exactly, but i may give it a try here and there to switch things up.

just thought id share...
120 reps is the total?!

That's insane and seems like a lot.

Those breaks... when you're on round 2.. do you take a 2 second break between each rep or after the round?
breaks are after each set, not each rep.

the trainer said most only make it 13, but my pops is a mad man and made it to 15 and asked for more!
I did something like that before...its fun and cool.

Here is something cool for you to try...its called the Tabata method if I am not mistaking. Its for fat loss and it only last 4 minutes but it will kick your @ss.

Take a squat bar with say your 25 rep max for squats.

Then do as many reps as fast as you can in 20 seconds with good form. Take a 10 second break then go 20 seconds this for 4 minutes gets your heart rate up for hours and helps you burn fat..and it will kick your butt and is not boring...onlyl do this 1 or 2 a month...b/c of CNS.

Give it a hurts!!! but is fun!

You're EVIL

Tabata kicks but big time....squats? Good luck!
Yeah Fausto, the first time I did them...I had to do just 2 minutes worth....then work my way up to 4 will hurt a good way!

The older I get the more I understand Quality over Quantity..even though I have to remind myself this about once a month.

But hey I will do anything to get around cardio!
but then you would need to lower the weight after each miniset.when you keep the load constant you would start with a way submaximal weight.
