The "How do you pronounce these terms?" thread


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My geeky nature has me wondering if any of you know how to correctly pronounce these terms?

ERK 1/2 & MAPKerk1/2

Is ERK 1/2 pronounced as the individual letters or as you would say 'irk'? And then half, one-over-two, one-by-two or what?

Same for MAPKerk1/2.

Any others that you can think of and know how to say would be good to know too. Come on down all you biochemists!
(Lol @ Oct. 31 2006,16:57)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">My geeky nature has me wondering if any of you know how to correctly pronounce these terms?

ERK 1/2 &amp; MAPKerk1/2

Is ERK 1/2 pronounced as the individual letters or as you would say 'irk'? And then half, one-over-two, one-by-two or what?

Same for MAPKerk1/2.

Any others that you can think of and know how to say would be good to know too. Come on down all you biochemists!
First MAPKerk 1/2 is the same thing as ERK1/2

MAPK=Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase

ERK=Extracellular Regulating Kinase

erk's are part of the MAPK family, pronounced M-A-P-K

In either case they are just abbreviations so like U.S.A isn't pronounced oosa neither would erk be pronounced irk. They woud be E-R-K 1 and/or 2 or if you prefer you can call them P44 and P42 respectively.
Dan: Thanks for clearing that up! I'm such a J-E-R-K wanting to know this stuff anyway!

Hey O&amp;G, I don't think I've ever ERKed anyone off before. Humblest jalopies!  

Eto: I believe you can pronounce protein and casein with a similar sounding ending but I think casein can also be pronounced as K-sin.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Is hypertrophy HYPER TROPHY? </div>

Nope.. It is Hi-per-tra-phee

Lol, I know how to say it but can't type it out.
Maybe while your at it you yanks can pronouse Melbourne right too. Went to the Jay-Z concert and like all Americans pronouned it &quot;Melborne&quot;, instead of &quot;Melburn&quot;.

Understandable though since you seem to pronounce everything phonetically, like Tourniquet as &quot;tournicette&quot;, instead of &quot;tourniquay&quot; as the French prounce it.

Can't speak English properly, but damn I love an American girls accent, so sexy
America is a big country, we have at least 7 or more different accents. People from the southeast speak very different than people from the northeast, the same goes for the midwest accent and west coast. So 'american accent is sexy' doesn't make much sense- which one? If you mean women on TV then it is probably west coast accent, (hollywood, california) which is fairly clear and pleasant to me. Where I currently live some of the locals I can hardly understand!!! (north carolina). I grew up in the northeast, and some locals had a strong accent, others spoke more 'properly.'
I mean American girls who come to Australia, I think most of them are from California. I think any accent is sexy when that person is in a different country, americans on tv just sound &quot;normal&quot;, unless they're from texas or brooklyn or whatever and have that strong regional accent.

Totally off topic though...
I always thought I enunciated quite well, until I heard myself on tape...when I discovered I really AM from Atlanta Georgia!

Sort of like people who think they can sing...
(Peak_Power @ Nov. 01 2006,19:14)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">americans on tv just sound &quot;normal&quot;, unless they're from texas or brooklyn or whatever and have that strong regional accent.

Totally off topic though...
Ez der Hoss, I'm from Texas (transplanted many moons ago) and we're such a big state that we have several variations of accents, from the slow Texas drawl to just a slight twang but either way you'll never cream yer jeans like you do when a Texas sweetie comes up to ya and asks &quot;how ya'll doin?&quot;  

Or to back up what Quad just said, if you can't find a Texan girl, find a Georgia peach  

Everybody sing it with me

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">And the southern girls with the way they talk
They knock me out when Im down there

I been all around this great big world
And I seen all kinds of girls
Yeah, but I couldnt wait to get back in the states
Back to the cutest girls in the world</div>
Darn! I've really missed out. I've never experienced a &quot;How ya'll doin?&quot; in my life. I'm hoping to get to Anaheim for the NAMM music show in January but I don't suppose I'll get one there either?

I've had several &quot;How are you?&quot;s with very English accents but it's just not the same. I still dream of Daisy Duke (the original, not the recent one)!