The Unthinkable Leg Routine


Been doing some form of deads or squats the last umteen cycles and want to try an alternative for my next cycle (I'll be honest and admit that my lower back has been killing me lately and just want to take a rest). Looking for suggestions on another good leg/quad exercise for growth. I don't have access to a leg press, but can do extensions and anything with weights. Lunges were my first choice.

I'm trying a split routine now that includes, Squats/Lunges/Leg extensions/Leg curls in one go, still following HST principles so...1 set for 15/2 x 10 and 3 x 5.

I only do the deads on another day.

My legs were killing me for two days in a row, but I must say I had a decent SD so that may be why...gonna keep doing this for a while!
have you got a solid bench or stepper to use,try putting a weight on your back like a squat but lighter and do stepups.
What about single leg versions of squats and deads?

That would probably lower the weight enough to allow for your lower back to recover.

Dumbell Single Leg Romanian Deadlift
Bulgarian Split Squats
I actually had to stay away from squats and deadlifts from a cycle because of an injury to my foot that didn't allow me to put too much weight on it for over a month. I ended up having to use machines to do leg extensions and leg curls. I was pleasantly surprised at the progress I made with those two lifts however. I added a little bit of size in just one cycle. This coming from a person who has always sworn off machines and isolation exercises like that for legs. I'm actually sticking with these for another cycle. My lower back also feels great from not taking a constant beating too! Good luck with whatever you choose.