The "What do you think of my program" Thread


New Member
So I looked all over but couldn't find a thread that was strictly for this, but I imagine alot of people, along with myselfwould like something like this. Obviously, correct me if I'm wrong and I am dirtying up the forums with duplicate threads.All following posts should have the following:Exercises in your programWhether you did an A-B split#reps per week and #of sets per weekWhat your typical workout consists of (A or A+B) including break times if applicable.If you have started, what your experience is/has beenLastly, your info: Body Weight/Height/ Body Fat% if you have it/ Max Lifts is mine:Exercises: (in order of performing) 1. Squat 2. Bench Press3. Deadlift (overhand)4. Press5. Barbell Row6. Push-Up (weighted)7. Cable Crossover (top and bottom)8. Barbell Curl9. Barbell Shrug10. Lying Down Neck-Plate Lifts11. Plate Crunch/sit upA(all )I did all exercises in each workoutReps were 15 per set 2 sets per exercise for first two weeks: Week1-2 15x2, Week 3-4 10x3, Week 5-6 5x4Example workout (last of week 2):Squat 15x2 @ 175lbsBench Press 15x2 @ 155lbsDeadlift (overhand) 15x2 @165lbsStrict Press 15x2 @95lbsBarbell Row 15x2 @135lbsPush Up 15x2 @45lbsCable Crossovers (upper and lower 4 sets total) 15x2x2 at 40lbsBarbell Curl 15x2 @50lbsBarbell Shrug 15x2 @ 115lbs (2 sec hold at top)Lying Down Neck/Plate Lift 15x2 @35lbsPlate Situp/Crunch 15x3 @ 45lbs* Note * I kept my breaks below 60secs ALWAYS and usually it was 20-30sec breaks in between sets. Also, I moved fromexercises as quickly as I could (i.e. bros curling in squat rack, people trying to talk or ask questions, stop to correct form on someone who is going to wreck themselves etc.)Experiences:Currently I am on my last workout of the first 2 weeks. I might add one more week of the 15s, because I really started doing this as a way to give my joints a break from lifting HEAVY all the time. The first workout was actually one of the most difficult, because I wasn't used to it. And being who I am, with the light weight, I decided to make it as difficult as possible by doing each rep very slowly, shortening breaks etc... I find that my back always feels beat the #$%$ up after, so maybe I am doing too many back exercises? My main problem has been being out of breath towards the end of the second set. The program has been pretty tiring. My friend who is a competitive lifter has watched me and tells me that he couldn't do it, which is encouraging.Current Profile/Info:Height: 5'6Weight: 176-178lbsBody Fat%: 13%-13.5%Max Lifts: Bench 265lbs Squat 325lbs Deadlift 325lbs
1. Squat 2. Bench Press 3. Deadlift (overhand) 4. Press 5. Barbell Row These are essentials. The rest of your exercises are more fluff. The only problem with the above list of exercises, is that 3 out of 5 of the exercises involve your spinal muscles...squat, deadlift and barbell row. So you could just alternate barbell rows and deadlifts every other workout to help reduce the back-load. You'll need more work for your lats though, probably chin-ups or pulldowns would help round out the program, and they are also hard on the biceps. If your biceps aren't fried after doing chinups, you could add in a set or two of the barbell curls. Your program looks solid to me, just maybe reduce the exercises to the core so you can give the compound lifts all of your energy.

Thanks for the response.
I originally had Chinups/ weighted Chinups in the program cause how great they work the biceps and lats, but took them out when I was exhausted after the deadlifts, sets of 15 on Deadlift with the other lifts was exhausting. Also, I would like to keep something in there for my chest, I had dips but they were too hard on my shoulders, so I think I'll keep the crossovers in there.

I always did the "fluff" after my compound lifts, so I could give it my all.

I am thinking of changing it up a little this week (the 10's) based on what you have said and what I was already thinking:

4.Barbell Curls
5.Weighted Sit-up crunches

1. Squat
2. Bench Press
3. Bent over Barbell Row
4. Cable Crossovers
5. Pushups
6. Tricep pull down
Btw, I had my original post formatted to look alot cleaner. Why was it altered, and can I change it back to how it was?
Exercises; Light cardio warmup, (High Back) Squat, Bench, Conventional Deadlift (singles rather than touch and go), Pull ups and a short HIIT (1-2 mins) Programming; 3 times a week with no split. I am trying something new rather than doing 15/10/5 I am just setting total reps goals and decrease them as I increase the weight. So for week 1 & 2 I start at 40 total reps, then move down by 2 reps each work out so it goes 40, 38, 36 etc and the last workout in week two ends at 30 reps. Then week 3 & 4 I start at 30 reps and decrease to 20 and then week 5 & 6 start at 20 reps and decrease to 10. On days where I am feeling strong I will do singles for heavier weights according to how I feel. Experience; this is my 5th cycle on HST and all of my previous lifting experience was negligible or too far in the past to matter. Body; 33 years old, 5-8", 195lbs, 18% body fat (estimated), 2200 cals daily Max Lifts; Squat 315, Bench 245, Deadlift 385