Think I have it sorted now...


New Member
Hi all, been a lurker for a while and never got round to registering and making a post, so hey!

I've been training on and off for the past few years, never made any progress at all though so always lose the motivation and end up not training (probably because of my diet?). I've been reading up on HST for the past month or two, then read some more, and some more! so I think I have everything "fine tuned" now in relation to training and now have a proper diet plan to. Would appreciate some of you guys giving it the once over to make sure I have applied all the principles correctly?

Lats - Rack Chins
Chest - Bench Press
Legs - Leg Extensions or maybe Squats (I know squats are better, but I find the movement hard and always injure myself, weak core?)
Shoulders - Military/Shoulder Press
Traps - Shrugs
Biceps - Barbell Curls
Triceps - Close Grip Bench Press or Dips
Abs - Crunches

- 15RM (2 weeks, M/W/F, working up to my 15 rep max over the 6 workouts: 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 100%)
- 10RM (same principle, 2 weeks/6 workout days working up to 10 rep max)
- 5RM (again, 2 weeks/6 workouts to 5RM)
- 5RM+ (last 1/2 weeks, add 5lbs to each exercise until you cant add any more then use as 5RM to base next cycle on)
- SD for 2 weeks then start cycle again

Think I have that sorted? I have the mechanical load principle, fewquency/stimulation, progression and strategic deconditioning.

Any advice would be appreciated! (will post diet next)
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looks fine to me. Can you explain the 5+ again. What do you mean by last 1/2weeks. last 1 to 2 weeks? You add 5lbs monday, then wednesday then friday? til you cant add anymore?
Yeah, after 2 weeks of 5RM, continue with 5RM weights for another 1 or 2 weeks before SD, but this time add 5lbs to each exercise on each workout until you cant add any more, then you use that as your 5RM to base your next training cycle on...?
Yeah, after 2 weeks of 5RM, continue with 5RM weights for another 1 or 2 weeks before SD, but this time add 5lbs to each exercise on each workout until you cant add any more, then you use that as your 5RM to base your next training cycle on...?

thats ok.
do leg-presses rather than extensions if you can.