Third HST cycle with Test Propionate 2on/4off


I am going to start my third cycle of HST and wish to do so with the help of some test prop. I've read the FAQ on how to do this and would like to layout my plan for some of the senior members to comment.
I am 26 years old, weigh 97kg at 6'1" with around 18-20% BF (I've had an overeating problem since being on antidepressants as a side effect, a bulking cycle should be easy for me).

Attached is my third cycle plan in word document format. I cannot do negatives so I'll be doing an extra 2 weeks of a heavy set of single 5's.

I have SD'd for about 6 months so my body is ready for a shock to the system.

As I understand if you are "on" it is not better to lift more weight despite being able to, but it is better to increase volume (an extra set) and stick to your plan.

So my rep range goes like this:

Cycle 3

weeks 1-2 30 reps (2 x 15)
weeks 3-4 20 reps (2 x 10)
weeks 5-6 10 reps (2 x 5) - "on" for weeks 5&6
weeks 7-8 5 reps (1 x 5) PCT running Nolvadex 20mg per day

Now the FAQ says to have your 2 weeks "on" during the second week of 10's and first week of 5's (weeks 4 and 5). Then you have the heavy part of your cycle to counteract the low natural test. SDing at the end of the cycle was discouraged until natural test is back up.

So I was thinking it is better (too fit in with 2 on / 4 off principle) if you are "on" for weeks 5 and 6, then you are recoverring during the ultra heavy 5's and the beginning of the new cycle (10's).

I would continue cycle 4 (no SD) beginning in the "10's" week. So basically the 15's and SD are removed as such:

Cycle 4

weeks 1-2 20 reps (2 x 10) (increase weights by 10# from cycle 3) PCT still running Nolvadex 10mg in week 1 and nolvadex 5mg in week 2.
weeks 3-4 10 reps (2 x 5) "on" again
weeks 5-6 5 reps (1 x 5) PCT running nolvadex 20mg per day
weeks 7-8 10 reps (2 x 5) HIT (max your lifts whilst natural test is recoverring)PCT running nolvadex 10mg per day one week then 5mg per day the next week.

weeks 9-10 - SD preparing for cycle 5

Now I plan to inject 250mg of test prop per week from a 100mg/mL solution. Injecting EOD this requires 0.7mL.

I will use a 3% spironolactone solution on my hair line and crown (1mL each twice daily) to prevent a receding hair line.

My questions are this:

1. Does the HPTA recover in 4 weeks time from 2 weeks of test prop usage? I am scared that this protocol leaves you permanently suppressed. Has anyone with experience done this protocol?

2. Will this protocol prevent testicular atrophy which can occur at the end of longer cycles? I can't get on to hCG anymore if this happens.

3. Is it better to use arimidex during the "on" weeks to block estrogen sides? How would you do this (0.25mg EOD)?

4. Is it better to just use Arimidex during PCT? I'd like to get away from nolvadex as nolva gives me ED and suppresses IGF-1.

5. Does this protocol still alter your lipid profile?

6. Can anyone find the study where 2 weeks of test prop were used? I could not find it on pubmed.
bad idea mate. it is a waste of gear. dont know what you are trying to acheive especially with that body fat. not a flame i just think its a bad idea.

1. the amount of test your taking is only double an hrt dose(roughly)you may gain several  pounds but most will be will lose most of it when you come off. id also be running 100mg each other day .

2. prop is fast acting but 2 weeks aint enough. even at very high dosage.

3.your hpta will recover in around 4 weeks(if u do your 2 weeker) so stick with the nolva i think hcg is overkill.

4. dont know if u r prone to gyno so keep the arimidex on hand. 0.25mg is fine .
if you had to,and i mean had to . id run prop for 4 weeks on 4 off.

wouldnt worry about the lipid profile, especially if your diet is in check. also testicular atrophy although undesirable isnt the end of the world. and unless you are a heavy or long term user, recovery shouldnt be a problem.

the rule of thumb when using gear is your time "off" should equal the length of your cycle plus your pct. so 2 weeks "on" = 2 weeks off plus 4 weeks pct , totaling 6 weeks off before cycling again.
id run the prop for 6 weeks durin the 10,s 5,s and post 5,s i wouldnt sd id keep goin heavy until i was satisfied my natural test levels were back to normal.

short cycles can be great but not at the length and dosage you are proposing. i dont really want to suggest any high dosages here, but 250mg per week for 2 weeks isnt goin to cut it.

personally i would run 100mg ed for 2 weeks on 4 off(if i was going to go with the faqs!
) most bodybuilders would combine that with something like tren acetate at around 75mg ed too. which would be a good short cycle. although tren makes recovery more difficult, dbol is another choice but keeping the gains aint easy.

just give us a clue what your goals are with what you are suggesting and lets take it form there.
ok fair enough so you obviously don't believe in the 2on/4off as the FAQ says, I was asking if anyone had success with it. Thanks for your reply. I was plannng on doing the typical 10 week course, but this program looks much better for your hpta even if the results are milder.

Also due to my past AAS usage and experiences with deca I would no longer want to use anything super suppressive like 19-nor steroids (deca and tren).

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">4. dont know if u r prone to gyno so keep the arimidex on hand. 0.25mg is fine .</div>

I've never run an AI and never gotten gyno.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">the amount of test your taking is only double an hrt dose(roughly)you may gain several  pounds but most will be will lose most of it when you come off. id also be running 100mg each other day .</div>

I've gotten great results with only 250mg of sust per week (8 kilos in 10 weeks) that I kept (no puffiness). To be honest a lot of what bodybuilders take is overkill as there are only so many androgen receptors to stimulate. Once they are saturated then more is not always better, especially when considering sides.

I think blade has had success with the 2on/4off and it would be great to hear his experience. I'm open to new ideas, but if no one is going to back it up then I won't experiment with this.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">just give us a clue what your goals are with what you are suggesting and lets take it form there. </div>

I had a straight bulk in mind (even though I am fat at the moment, that's what 6 months of antidepressants can do to a man). I've never cut and don't know if I'd have the discipline with my diet and eating as I am still taking antidepressants (stimulates the appetite).

I may just go natural.
well if you have gotten the stuff, you could always try it. and post your results, i would be interested to see how you go on.

what are your goals overall? do you want to get huge or are you going to cut?
I still haven't gotten the gear (mail order). I think I'll start a cut today until I get it at least. I did 1 hour of weights and 2 hours of cardio.