This isn't my first cycle... suggestions


New Member
I first started this when i had stress fractures in both my legs... it worked well but i was using a weight gainer that imo caused me to gain too much fat. My bones eventually healed and due to schools/training i wasn't able to lift for about 2months. I started back from the beginning, not bothering to find new maxes, just using the original one i found. Anyways.... i just finished my last day of 5's. I believe i've reached my 5rep max on the flat bench press, everything else felt like I could do more... what should i do? try to add 2.5lbs to each side on monday or assume that my bench didnt increase? I'd like to also state that this cycle i've been on a low carb diet... my meals are like 95% protein. carbs coming from w/e amount is in my whey protein, hasbrown patty, fruits, and plain oatmeal. Before I would eat tons of carbs and protein... but I felt that i was getting fat along with muscles.... i was definently getting stronger though. I think the fat was from the weight gainer... i think it had like 1500 calories by itself.
But like i've said i only take whey and casein now and have limited carb consumption.

before(previous cycles) i did pullups, bench, incline, then the rest of my lifts

now this cycle i did pullups, chinups, bench, incline, then the rest of my lifts

today i did bench first, incline, pullups, chinups then the remainder of my lifts...

Not sure if i've explained it clearly...

my lifts are

flat bench
incline bench
pullups(weighted for 10's and 5's)
chinups(weighted for 10's and 5's)
Bent over row
Military Press
Tricep pulldown
Weighted ab crunches
Lateral Raises
Well, maybe if you had done your RM tests, just prior to this cycle, you would have found that your bench acutally did go up?
I'd imagine pressing movements beeing used to a lesser extent, when compared to pull, in every day activities. Of course letting your pressing strength deteriorate more.

If carbs where the culprit i'd imagine it would've been more apparent in heavier compunds, such as BOR.

I don't know, just thoughts really.
That's what i'm guessing at, yeah. (and more so for chest)
Any number of reasons might explain it though. Strength is mostly neural anyway, so I wouldn't worry about it. (Asuming you are using HST for size, primarily)

Do you still have ecc. weeks to go?
If you are doing ecc. for chest I don't think 2,5 lbs would matter much. If not, you could just try and get your RM up doing to last to weeks.
From there, I'd just reset with new RM tests and SD. I'd def. not change up a good rutine, on account of something like this.

In any case, an extra day of 5's whould be of no harm what so ever, so just go for that if you like.
In case this is your choise, I'd even say that adding weight to your other lifts (where you felt you could do more,) had more validity.
Yeah.. i dont have a partner for negs... so i was just going to continue either 2 more weeks of increasing 5's or 1 week of 5 then a week of 3x3 then 9day SD
I added 5lbs to my bench and did it... i think i can add 5more... will try wednesday or maybe monday... might have needed a little more rest lol

the only thing that didnt increase was inclined bench which is probably because I did it after flat bench and pullups and chin ups
all of which are only ate in moderation and during breakfast.. I dont care about high fat... carbs are what makes me bloat.

im not saying theres anything wrong with high fat, simply letting you know that your diet is far from 95% protein. you would need 500g of protein a day just to hit 2000 calories
oh yeah... forgot i also eat veggies. Maybe its not 95% protein but the majority of what I eat is protein.

you dont get what im saying lol, you know every g of protein is 4 cals whereas every g of fat is 9 rite? its very unlikly more then 50% of your diet is protein but it doenst really matter....just letting you know
how is that unlikely? sometimes my plate has nothing but protein based stuff on it....

anyways i tried 225 today... did it 4 times... gonna try for 5 again next monday... what should i do for my friday workouts? 5reps of 220 or 3 reps of 225? This is for the bench press