Thoughts Upon Completion of my First HST Mesocycle


New Member
Howdy All. First post. Just completed my 6th week 5RM microcycle this morning. I skipped negatives this first time for a couple of reasons. First, looking at my training plans for the rest of the year and trying to complete 3 cycles, a personal vacation caused me to want to shift things a bit to minimize impact on training. Second, and most importantly, I'm nursing a couple of minor injuries.

1.) I'm not sure I made any appreciable gains this first time. I didn't measure at the beginning so I can't be sure but I measured 3 weeks in and I'll measure tomorrow when I do my weight and body fat. I mainly blame diet. August was a sloppy month, but in September I started out with a very clean diet. I'm at 2500 cals a day right now and plan to kick it up to 2750-3000 when I start my new cycle. I think rest was also a factor - again, August. I'll be more diligent on the next cycle.

2.) I'm doing some basic re-evaluation of my lifts. My lifts were:
  • Squats: 2 sets on Day A, 1 set on Day B
  • Good Mornings: 1 Set on Day A, 2 sets on day B
  • Incline Bench: 2 sets on day A, 1 set on day B
  • Dips: 1 set day a, 2 sets day B
  • Decline Flye: 1 set on day B only
  • Deadlifts: 2 sets on day A, 1 set on day B
  • Pullups: 1 set on day A, 2 sets on day B; stopped after 3 weeks due to elbow injury
  • Cable Rows: 1 set day A, 2 sets day B
  • Military Press: 2 sets day A, 1 set day B
  • DB Laterals: 1 set day A, 2 sets day B
  • Lying Tricep Extensions, 1 set each day
  • Barbell Shrug: 1 set each day
  • Preacher Curls: 1 set each day
  • Cable Crunch: 1 set each day
  • Leg Press Calf Raises: 1 set each day

It's hard to feel like the smaller/isolated muscle groups aren't unattended by this so I'm thinking of going to 3 sets per day on the larger groups - back, chest, legs - and 2 per day on the smaller - bicep, tricep, shoulders, traps, calves, abs. I also have been bringing a gripper to the gym and working it in. I've got the CoC #1 and I'm thinking of buying the 1.5 and 2 for my next cycle and going up a gauge for each microcycle.

One thing I'm having a hard time getting my head around is doing low reps on things like the preacher curl and especially lateral raise. Following what seemed like a reasonable formula had me doing 5 reps of 50 pounds laterals the past couple days. My form went all to **** up there even though I'm pretty confident I could get good form out of 35 in the 15 rep range. Form falls apart on the preacher curl too. Now I know this could be just a miscalculation of my 5RM from when I started - I'd never done these exercises in these target reps before so I was calculating my 5RM from a 1RM in my tracking app, which is probably based off of something I was doing previously in the 8-12 range. I'm considering adjusting my 5RM down on these for the next cycle.

That's it for now. I'd love to see what people think about these thoughts. I'm going to go decondition for a while now and I'll make sure to do so strategically.
I would avoid doing any iso's like curls and laterals in the 5 rm range due to increased injury potential. You can easily drop them after the 10's and focus on the compounds and the bi's/tri's will get plenty of work that way. Also 15 exercises a day is alot. How long does it typically take? Did your deadlifts suffer from doing squats and good mornings the same day? It may help to alternate squat and DL on a A/B routine.
I don't think my deads were adversely affected by doing squats and good mornings. I suffered a lumbar sprain a couple months ago and I ended up at 300x5 pulls for the first time since. Would have been 320 today but I took wisdom over glory since the injury has been bothering me since Wednesday (when I actually failed on my squats - I left those out today too. Hopefully the SD will clear everything up and I'm getting a belt for my next bout). I've been coupling deads and good mornings for a while with lower reps and higher sets and so I'm fairly accustomed to them.

I generally spend 60-105 minutes in the gym. That includes about 15 -20 minutes of prehab and 15 minutes of warming up on squats where I start off with 3x8 sets of bare bar, then work up adding 25s and 45s (95, 135, 185, 225) until I reach about 2/3 my working weight. So from my first working set I look at 45-60 minutes. I tend to go faster when the loads are low, like the first two days of a cycle, and slow down thereafter. I've noted that workout 3 in any cycle is where I start to feel the challenge and have fun so I think of the first two as primer days for that rep range. With this many exercises, the biggest time drag becomes switching between them.

I've seen some posts in the forums here about upping the rep schemes on isos after a certain point instead of weight. I wonder how valid that might be or what formula might represent it
Sorry to hear about your back sprain. The SD should help you out. Yeah I would definitely get a good belt before getting back into the the heavy weights again and don't skip the 15's when you start your next cycle.
You could add volume instead of weight on iso's past the 10's. I just found it easier to drop the iso's because the increased number of sets at the 5 RM makes the workouts too long for me.