Time for a change (I think)


New Member
Greetings Folks,

As I mentioned before I am on my 4th cycle.

Injury not withstanding (knee injury). I feel like I have 'plateaued'

My fourth cycle is almost done will be finished on July 14th.

Should I switch up my routine? I have already switched my routine somewhat from advice given from one of my previous posts.

Should I SD even though I am on a cut?
what does switch up my routine mean,if you mean change exercises etc then yes why not.

you could SD from weights and just do cardio but IMO just go straight into the next cycle.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Should I SD even though I am on a cut?</div>

If you're between back to back cutting cycles, then an SD is not needed. If hypertrophy is plateauing, then that should be no surprise since you are cutting calories. Is your strength plateauing? Once again, the answer to that is the cutting of calories. If your bodyfat% isn't decreasing like you want it to, then you need to reanalyze your diet and how many calories you are consuming. It may be too much. There is some information in my &quot;Optimizing Your Caloric Intake&quot; that may help you with that.
Like Colby pointed out, you are cutting... so what do you mean by plateau? If you mean that your weight/fat loss has stalled, then 'switching it up' won't help out. Follow Colby's advice.
If you mean that your strength gains have stalled, well then that's because you are cutting. Again, changing your routine will likely not help. It's not very likely that you'll make much for strength gains while cutting.

I would skip the SD since you are cutting. If you have been cutting for a while and your weight loss has stalled, it may be a good idea to bump calories up to maintenance for a week or two in order to get your metabolism and hormones normalized a bit before cutting them again. That should help get the weight loss going again.
You've have the answers you require, I would not worry about plateaus since you are cutting, if you grew at all then you could not have been cutting much, unless there was enough surplus calories for your body to use.

So the pateau would have meant you are now cutting since growth has stopped, I'd carry on till cutting goals are reached!
What I have been basically doing is 5s with progression every two weeks for 8 weeks. And at the end of two week mini cycle increase the weight by 5-10lbs depending on the exercise then restart HST progression as normal. (I'm on week 5).
Now I came to a 'stand still' my last workout meaning I struggled to finish all the reps with the given weight (military, bench). I usually cluster 15 reps with max-stim.

I haven't noticed any change in the mirror. My weight went up about 5lbs but I am attributing that to water fluctuation. Haven't checked my BF but I think it is the same.

I was taking in 2300 cals Maintenance is 2800. But I upped 2600 due to my knee injury as per earlier advice given.

So I will continue as you all suggested