time of day exercise


New Member
hey all, i have a busy life as i'm sure most of you do as well so many times i can't exercise exactly when i want to.. i try to lift right when i get home from work before dinner, though the wife never really likes that because it makes her wait on dinner as well.. don't want to lift right after dinner because i'm never motivated until my food digests a little bit, so i sometimes have to wait until like 8:00 pm or so.. don't really mind doing this but i was wondering if there is anything detrimental to exercising late in the evening ??
If you lift close to bed time you MIGHT have some difficulty sleeping. People behave differently but it is a common side effect.
I sometimes have to lift after midnight. Usually I lift after 8:00pm. It hasn't been a problem for me.
Do your exercise when it suits you best. It is the progress in long run that matters most, so your lifestyle have to be accounted for (family and such). Only, avoid doing workouts while your sleep. Nothing good can come out of that...
As O&G says, keep life in perspective. We all have a life outside of the gym which complicates our training, but sometimes there is nothing you can do about that.

Like you, due to my schedule I have to work out at about 8 pm. In the past, I used to work out at 10 pm. I believe that, in the long run, the most important thing is actually being able to make time for your workouts no matter what your schedule is like.

After several years of training, I don't think it will have a measurable impact anyway.
good to know.. actually in college the only time i really had to work out was after the gym closed.. i was a manager there so my friend and i would always work out usually around 10 pm, then go drinking.. ha..

on the sleeping note i actually sleep better if i exercise, take a shower and a break for a bit then hit the sheets.. tires me out nicely
The BEST time to workout is whenever it's not going to piss your wife off!  It will lead to better longevity of your training...
(soflsun @ May 22 2008,2:55)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">The BEST time to workout is whenever it's not going to piss your wife off! It will lead to better longevity of your training...</div>
Ahhh, Grasshoppah, you are wise for one so young...
(soflsun @ May 22 2008,2:55)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">The BEST time to workout is whenever it's not going to piss your wife off!  It will lead to better longevity of your training...</div>
This has been my experience also.